Saturday, August 31, 2019

Getting over a Betrayal Essay

This song brings forth a feeling of that even though a loss of a loved one is a heart wrenching experience there is nothing a person can do to change the outcome of what has happened. My Immortal† seems to be more about losing one’s own sense of identity and self-worth due to the loss and/or betrayal of a loved one than about the actual loss of the loved one: These wounds won’t seem to heal/ This pain is just too real/There’s just too much that time cannot erase (7-9) By the end of the song, the survivor of the story is emotionally drained and paralyzed with the fear by the memory of the betrayer. The survivor of the incident just wants those memories of hurt and betrayal to go away. This pain is felt in the opening stanzas of the song. And if you have to leave/I wish that you would just leave/Your presence still lingers here/ And it won’t leave me alone (3-6). The theme of â€Å"My Immortal† is the struggle of trying to get rid of the feeling of betrayal and of guilt. The betrayer has hurt or betrayed her in a way that she can never recover from the emotional damage. You used to captivate me/ By your resonating light/ Now I’m bound by the life you left behind (14-16) For the rest of the girls’ life, she will be imprisoned by him. She sacrificed everything for him. After years of being together, he throws everything she has done for him back in her face. She know feels like that she will never be free of him Your face it haunts/My once pleasant dreams (15, 16) The effect of this song brings forth many different emotions. This song brings to light that if one lets a past betrayal or losses rule their life, there will never be any peace for the individual. The individual needs to let go of the hurt, even though they are feeling that they were alone the entire time they were with that one person. I’ve tried so hard to tell myself that you’re gone/ But though you’re still with me/ I’ve been alone all along ( 24-26) It hurts being betrayed by a loved one. The reality that she was all alone in her love when he was with her†¦ and ironically, now that he’s left her, she isn’t alone: He torments her with the memories of his betrayal (perhaps complicated by her genuine love for who she thought he was. ) These wounds won’t seem to heal/ This pain is just to real/ There’s just too much that time cannot earse (21-23) Works Cited Evanescence.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Group Observation Essay

The group I observed was a teen dating violence prevention group. It was held at A High School. The purpose of this group was to educate adolescents about domestic violence. The facilitator’s goal was to teach the adolescents about healthy relationships, unhealthy relationships, types of abuses, various red flags of an abuser, and provide important resources for those who may be going through a domestic violence relationship. In the group, there were about ten members. They were all males and sophomores in high school. Their age ranged from 15 to 17 years old. The population in the group was primarily Hispanics. The group was held in a classroom during 5th period, which lasts about 50 minutes. Every Tuesdays, two facilitators from X Agency would go to the high school and teach two different class sessions. One facilitator would take all the females in one room and the other facilitator would take the males in another room. In the male group that I observed, the teacher was always present in the classroom. This was the facilitator’s first session with a new group of students. The facilitator, Kim, first started off introducing herself to the class. She spoke briefly about the types of services that were provided at X Agency. She discussed about the different topics that the students would be learning throughout the 8-week session in the program. Then, Kim asked the group if they had any rules that should be applied within the group. Many students were very responsive to Kim’s question. She then talked a little bit about confidentiality. She discussed about how everything the group talked about stays within the group, unless the person disclosed that he or she was going to hurt someone, someone was hurting him or her, or he or she is being abused. Kim told the students that she would be mandated to report those three things. Kim did an activity with the students where the students would have to come up with a food name that had the same letter as their first name. Kim brought in a variety of colored paper and the students were to choose one colored paper of their choice. On the paper, the students were to write their food names along with their real name and draw some things that represented themselves. Kim walked around the room and created conversations with some of the students. Some of the students were unable to come up with a food name. When this happened, Kim would ask the student what his name was and then ask the rest of the class for any ideas. The students were very approachable and helpful. This activity took about 20 minutes. Everyone participated in the activity and seemed to really enjoy it. After the students were finished with their project, they had to tape it on a large butcher paper that was placed on the chalkboard. Kim explained to the students that the reason she wanted them to come up with a food name was because it would be easier for her to remember their names. After that activity, Kim asked the group some questions about what they would like to learn during these sessions. She wanted to know some of the things that the students would be interested in or may have learned already. She told the students that this group was all about them, and she would do the best she can to take in their ideas. Some of the students asked if they could talk more about girls and understanding some of the traits girls have. Kim had a question box, where students would write down any questions, ideas, thoughts, or comments they have that sometimes they may feel uncomfortable saying in front of the group. It would be completely anonymous, and the facilitator would normally discuss about it the following week. Afterwards, it was time for the students to go to their next class. Kim had all the students drop in their index cards for the question box. Throughout my observation, I felt that the facilitator’s leadership style was in between authoritarian style and democratic style. In the beginning of the session, Kim’s leadership style was more authoritarian because she was discussing about the program and the agency. I noticed that when other people were talking, she would stop talking and asked the students if they wanted to share something to the class. Other times, if other students were talking amongst themselves, Kim would stop and let them know that she was not going to talk over them. As the session went on, Kim started to have more of a democratic style. She already had a whole agenda planned out for the session. After going over the classroom rules, she started becoming more interactive with the students. Within the group members, I’ve noticed that there were subgroups in the classroom. There would be a group of friends who would be having conversations with each other. Some other students were quieter and did what was told. Some of the members would shout out comments, and other members would start laughing. Some of the strengths of the group was that overall, it seemed like everyone got along. Also, since all the group members were male, they probably felt more comfortable talking about certain topics and issues. Another strength was that these students were already familiar with each other, since they were in the same class. Most of them seemed to be very interactive with each other. The area the group needs to improve on is learning how to have side conversations with their friends. Even though the group is for the students, the students should learn and respect others who are talking. They could try to have fewer interruptions while others are speaking. The facilitator’s strength was that she had everything planned out. She went with her agenda and everything seemed to flow smoothly for the most part. When the students were doing the food activity, the facilitator was very engaging with the students. She showed a lot of interest with what the students had to say. She also did a lot of active listening when the students gave her some suggestions and ideas. An area that might need improvement is the way she talks to the students. Sometimes I felt that she sounded more of a teacher rather than understanding the group members. Since there was a teacher already in the classroom, maybe the teacher should be responsible for the disciplinary and not the facilitator. My concerns for this group is that some of the group members may have taken a similar program before and might end up being disruptive to the rest of the members. Most of the students seem to know a lot about domestic violence, and they may feel that the program is useless to them. I thought it was a great idea for the facilitator to ask the group members about what sort of things they would want to discuss about in the program. The facilitator acknowledged the group members’ thoughts and ideas, which I thought was very important. Group work seems to be more effective than individual work in certain ways. In one study, a researcher wanted to find out about the creativity between small groups and individuals (Moore, 2000). He had small groups working together and individuals working alone. Within the study, groups and individuals were given the same two paintings to examine. They were also given a questionnaire, which had questions about the paintings. The researcher wanted to see which one would produce more ideas and creativity for the paintings. Results showed that the groups came up with more ideas and details about the paintings than the individuals. Since there were more people in the group, more brainstorming were involved (Moore, 2000). Martell and Borg conducted a study on individuals versus groups on behavioral rating accuracy (1993). Researchers were interested in seeing if groups working together would remember more than individuals do. The groups had an advantage over the individuals because more members were involved, which means they can compare notes. Also, another advantage for doing group work was critically analyzing a situation, and in this case, a behavior. Results indicated that the groups had a higher accuracy in answering the questions than the individuals. The main reason was because the group members were able to discuss about it and compare their thoughts, whereas an individual only had one idea (Martell & Borg, 1993). These are one of the great benefits of group work. More ideas would be brought upon and could also have other people think about a certain idea or situation in a different way.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Difference of Othello’s Behaviour in Act One and Act Two

English Literature – Othello How is Othello’s behaviour in Act Two different from his behaviour in Act One? How do you account for this change? What consequences do you think it will have? In Act One, Othello appeared to be in control of his emotions. When Brabantio confronts Othello, accusing him of stealing and raping his daughter Desdemona by means of witchcraft, Othello is calm and tells his men to stop the fighting.Although he is being accused of kidnapping and raping Desdemona, in which the person who commits the crime would be burnt to death, Othello shows that he is unafraid of danger, ready to risk everything for the woman he loves, and is able to command others despite facing the serious accusation. He is ready to face justice, and convince the Duke of Venice that he has done nothing wrong. This shows that he is brave and confident. When he speaks to the Duke, he speaks in a respectful manner.He also promises not to be distracted by Desdemona if he is allowed to bring her together to Cyprus. His manner and promise appears to us that he is a serious, sensible and rational person. However, he behaved differently in Act Two, when he arrives in Cyprus. His behaviour is sloppy. For example, he tells the people in Cyprus that, to celebrate the defeat of the Turkish fleet, they can ‘dance’, ‘make bonfires’, and ‘sport’, i. e. to have sex. He tells the people to have party time, giving license for people to behave as they like to.Unlike the serious person he appears to be in Act One, Othello seems to be overjoyed to meet his wife Desdemona in Cyprus safely and the defeat of the Turkish fleet, becoming irrational and insensitive to the people’s fear of another attack. When he comes ashore, meeting his wife, he is overjoyed, forgetting to announce the defeat of the Turkish fleet. He greets his wife, saying ‘O my fair warrior’, and kisses her several times. It appears that he has completely forgotten his promise, not to be distracted by Desdemona, to the Duke.Cassio and Iago, on another hand, have repeatedly refers to Desdemona as ‘general’s general’, and that she is ‘in charge’. This tells us that Othello is clearly distracted by his wife, preventing him from performing his duties, as observed by his lieutenant and ancient. In Act Two Scene Three, Othello admits he is not acting rationally and not performing his best. He says, â€Å"Now by heaven, my blood begins my safer guides to rule, and passion, having my best judgment collied, assays to lead the way. This tells us that Othello himself is conscious of what he is doing. He admits to acting irrationally, following his passion to rule. This shows that he is distracted by Desdemona, because only their love and marriage would lead to Othello’s overflow of passion. This may also show that Othello follows his heart, will and passion to act and rule. When Othello finds Cassio and Montano fighting, he asks Iago what has happened without confirming with others. He does not investigate thoroughly, as Iago has hidden some of the truth.He immediately takes Cassio off his office. This can be considered as an impulsive judgment. His change of behaviour in Act Two is due to the distraction from his wife Desdemona. Because of his newly-wedded wife presence, Othello is distracted and unable to perform his duties. He is led by his passion, which is affecting him because of his sexual interest in Desdemona and his joy to be reunited with her after the rough journey on the sea. Being away from Venice may also account for his change of behaviour.Since Othello remains below the Duke and Senators in Venice, he demonstrates respectful and brave manner, so that even the Duke calls him ‘valiant Othello’. However, in Cyprus, Othello becomes the person-in-command in the whole of Cyprus. The sudden swell in his authority and power may have contributed to his irratio nal judgments and actions. In Cyprus, Othello no longer has to act in the way he has promised the Duke. He can betray the Duke’s trust, because no one in Cyprus has the power or authority to stop him, or report him to the Duke back in Venice.He reveals his sloppy behaviour, and is clearly distracted by Desdemona’s presence, preventing him from acting rationally. With Othello’s change in behaviour, it may be easier for Iago to manipulate Othello and to carry out his plan to destroy Othello’s reputation. In Act Two, Othello reveals that he follows his passion to rule, and makes impulsive judgments without investigating thoroughly. Iago observes this, and therefore use Othello’s weakness to carry out his plan by telling Othello that Desdemona has been unfaithful.Since Iago knows that Othello will not investigate thoroughly if he tells him that Desdemona has been sleeping with Cassio, it will increase Iago’s success in destroying Othello’ s reputation. Other people can use Desdemona as a means to get what they want from Othello, as she has a great influence on her husband. For example, Cassio, after losing his job, hires a band to serenade Desdemona. Cassio tries to appeal to Desdemona, so that she may help him persuade Othello to give Cassio back his job.This may result in a corrupted government, with people using tactics to win Desdemona’s favour, instead of getting the job using their own talents or strength. Lastly, since Othello acts according to his passion, Iago can, by manipulating Othello, remove those who are against him, or whose who disrespects and insults him, like Cassio who calls him ‘Honest Iago’. This will result in lack of talents and observant people in Othello’s government, because all those who are against or disrespectful to Iago can be easily removed by Iago. Therefore, Othello’s government will become corrupted.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

LearningJournal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

LearningJournal - Essay Example And it is in this framework that I would like to begin the laying down and sharing of my learning journal. The first time I heard that we are going to do a learning journal, I am little bit apprehensive. And all of it is for the reason that doing a learning journal is something new. In my past experiences, normally what was done in class were discussions whether in class or as a group and what was expected was that everybody would bring their ideas, share it with class and more or less attained an interactive discussion. Therefore, when, we were told that we were to do a learning journal, it was something different for me. To document your thoughts, feelings, ideas, reflections, questions, uncertainties, doubts, dissents and agreements with the articles, the books that I have read and the discussions that I have the chance to be part of is for me taking learning one step higher. This I claim based on the supposition that in doing the learning journal, to go over my own thoughts, put it into a coherent structure and argue with the text, with myself and the entire process, in turn, constru ct and deconstruct my knowledge and understanding of things. Moreover, I have become conscious that every time I go over an article or a book, I am going to have a learning experience. This is a very significant transformation on my part. Since, through learning journal, learning has authentically become engaging, thus opening new challenges and venues with which lessons learned do not remain as lecture notes but as the foundation of other things to learn and guide in the understanding of experiences that are and may be encountered. Before joining the programme, I have not been in the academe for quite a time. Thus, I have some nervousness at the start of the programme. However, as the programme started, I have come to realise that I have acquired the maturity necessary in pursuing this

White Collar Crime Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

White Collar Crime - Research Paper Example The essay aims to proffer pertinent issues that detail the foundations and enforcement of white collar crime. The paper would hereby contain definitions of white-collar crime, the laws that regulate them, and their impact on society. Various studies have acknowledged and attributed the origin and foundation of white collar crime to Edwin H. Sutherland, a known criminologist and sociologist, who presented its theoretical relevance in his reported presidential address in 1939 at the American Sociological Society Meeting (Barnett, n.d., Strader, 2002). Both Barnett and Strader have cited the definition from Sutherland’s (1949) book, as he averred that white collar crime â€Å"may be defined approximately as a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation† (Sutherland, 1949, p. 9). Due to the controversial nature that the definition has elicited from various criminology experts, it was deemed â€Å"outdated for student s of the criminal law† (Strader, 2002, p. 1) and regarded as a misnomer. Thereby, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has presented their official definition as â€Å". . . those illegal acts which are characterized by deceit, concealment, or violation of trust and which are not dependent upon the application or threat of physical force or violence. Individuals and organizations commit these acts to obtain money, property, or services; to avoid the payment or loss of money or services; or to secure personal or business advantage† (USDOJ, 1989, p. 3). ... qualified the elements that are needed to classify the criminal activity within the white collar category to include: nonviolent crime; committed for financial gain; by persons and organizations with occupational status belonging to the professional, semi-professional and entrepreneurial status; with illegal acts characterized by deceit, concealment, and violation of trust. The Legal Information Institute (2010) provided a simpler definition acknowledged from Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary as â€Å"a variety of nonviolent financial crimes, generally committed by businesspeople or public officials, involving commercial fraud, consumer fraud, swindles, insider trading on the stock market, embezzlement, bribery, or other dishonest schemes† (Legal Information Institute, 2010, par. 3). Accordingly, the offenses most commonly committed within the white collar crime definition are as follows: â€Å"antitrust violations, computer and internet fraud, credit card fraud, pho ne and telemarketing fraud, bankruptcy fraud, healthcare fraud, environmental law violations, insurance fraud, mail fraud, government fraud, tax evasion, financial fraud, securities fraud, insider trading, bribery, kickbacks, counterfeiting, public corruption, money laundering, embezzlement, economic espionage and trade secret theft† (Legal Information Institute, 2010, par. 1). Laws that Regulate White Collar Crimes As indicated in the Legal Information Institute cite, laws that regulate white collar crimes are governed by the â€Å"Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution (which) gives the federal government the authority to regulate white-collar crime, and a number of federal agencies (see sidebar), including the FBI, the Internal Revenue Service, the Secret Service, U.S. Customs, the Environmental

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Scholastic Methods in Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Scholastic Methods in Education - Essay Example The scholastic environment, including factors like a supportive school atmosphere and the classroom context as well as language barriers, was determined to be directly related to teacher satisfaction (Lam, 2006; Bai, 1995). As our understanding of how children learn has grown, the many ways we teach children has also improved. The scholastic environment is intended to act as a cushion and protects the psychological well-being of children as they develop (Lam, 2006). Research has indicated that a teacher’s effect on their students is often the result of the students’ psychological responses to the teacher’s behavior (Wei, Brok & Zhou, 2009). Studies have shown that children can begin learning from birth and as they age and grow, their ability to learn new ideas and concepts also grows (Sharp, Ward, and Hankin, 2009). The reputation of a school and its influence on the life of the community invariably depend on the kind of teachers working in it. Of many dimensions , the following facets for measuring Teacher Job Satisfaction include: professionalism, teacher learning, innovation, and interpersonal relations (Suryanarayana and Luciana, 2010) Professionalism relates to job security and social prestige, molding young minds, appreciation from others, and the ability to help students resolve their problems (Suryanarayana and Luciana, 2010). ...  Inter-personal relations are associated with relationships with colleagues, parents, students, higher authorities or any personnel relative to school (Suryanarayana and Luciana, 2010). Despite the establishment of these criterions, measuring the teacher’s level of job satisfaction remains a difficult task (Suryanarayana and Luciana, 2010). It is estimated that 157,000 teachers exit the field every year and an additional 232,000 others change schools in pursuit of better working conditions found in prestigious, higher-performing schools (Alliance for Excellent Education, 2008). Combined, this repre sents approximately 12% of the teaching workforce, excluding the teachers that leave due to retirement (Alliance for Excellent Education, 2008). The exit of teachers from the profession and the movement of teachers away from low-performing schools are costly phenomena in regards to the loss students in the value of being taught by an experienced teacher, schools and districts must recruit and train their replacements, and the overall costs financial of teacher attrition (Alliance for Excellent Education, 2008). Fiduciary repercussions can vary widely by district and may include signing bonuses, subject matter stipends, and other recruiting costs specific to the educational forum, totaling an estimated $7.34 billion to hire, recruit, and train the replacement teachers (Alliance for Excellent Education, 2008).

Monday, August 26, 2019

Tesla in Turkey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Tesla in Turkey - Essay Example The automotive industry is very important after the construction and tourism sectors (Saee 194). This industry creates the country’s highest multiplier. Furthermore, the industry intertwines with other industries such as marketing, fuel, finance, service and insurance. Any changes in the automotive industry are important to the country’s economy. The best approach for Tesla Motors in this country is to cooperate in the production and marketing fields. This increases the company’s capacity in the country’s automotive industry. The company enjoys more economic competition, innovations and investments for new models. In short, the automotive industry in Turkey is lucrative and with the right market entry strategies, Tesla Motors will enjoy significant profits. From a political and legal perspective, the country has liberalization (Nas & Mehmet 41). Turkey is a key supporter of liberal trade and investment policies that permit trade with countries in the Europ ean Union. The custom union of 1996 allowed Turkish firms to expand and become more successful internationally (Altug & Alpay 25). Turkish exports have continuously increased by 10% on an annual basis showing the trading potential of the country. The country charges sales tax, inclusive of VAT and exclusive consumer tax, on all motor vehicles. These taxes are higher compared to those other developed countries. The sales tax comprise of almost 19.2 percent to 117.1 percent. The country’s legislation on motor vehicle changes rapidly depending on changes in technology.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Analysis of the film Gattaca in reference to its discussion about Essay

Analysis of the film Gattaca in reference to its discussion about eugenics and getenics engineering - Essay Example However, despite a very firm belief that any attempt at perfecting the human condition through selectively engineering children will have a detrimental effect on the human species, it is undeniable that if allowed, I would go back and have things corrected. It is in this desire to be perfected and saved, balanced against the detriment to society that supports the idea that legislation must prevent this from being a part of reproductive options. The concept of eugenics is defined by Francis Galton, British eugenicist and scientist, as â€Å"science that studies all the influences that may potentially effect reproduction, with the purpose of preventing degeneration and attaining the improvement of the human species† (Lavrin, 1998, p. 161). While the concept of eugenics seems to be defined by a pure intent, the central problem with eugenics is that it weeds out diversities and challenges that inspire human innovation. Morris (2006) states that â€Å"Another fear about this new e ugenics is that we might one day breed a race of clones designed genetically to be placid slaves. In this very frightening scenario, eugenics is envisioned as a tool to suppress people† (p. 70). Gattaca takes this fear one step further as those without genetic enhancement are subjugated to lower level job positions, serving those who are of a genetically superior make-up. Vincent is considered an in-valid, his genetic make-up not fitting into the standard that has been set for the upper class, meanwhile his social class does not allow him the opportunities that he desires. His life expectancy, as determined at the time of his birth, is only 30.2 years and the list of potential problems, none of which is guaranteed, is vast and daunting. There is no doubt that this type of predictability about the future of the potential outcomes would be disheartening and place that child within a social framework that was undesirable. This is what happens to Vincent, but as an adult he determ ines to write his own fate. Through impersonating someone with a better genetic code, he proves that he is valuable enough to achieve his goals. The director of the film, Andrew Niccol, who also wrote the piece, provides his beliefs on genetic engineering a forum through the film. One of the first lines of narration, â€Å"They used to say that a child conceived in love has a greater chance of happiness. They don’t say that anymore† provides the context on how social and cultural class divisions had changed the nature of predicted futures for the people within the universe of the film (Niccol, 1997). In the contrast between Vincent and the wheelchair ridden ’perfected’ human, Jerome, the aspect of chance shows that expected life expectancies and the use of genetic manipulation to ’perfect’ the human species will never account for the challenges that chance will put in the way of ambitions and desires. Vincent narrates that â€Å"He suffered under a different burden: the burden of perfection† (Niccol, 1997). Niccol uses this theme to frame his position on the danger of genetically engineering children. The character of Irene, an almost perfect who is

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Social Workers Role in Multidisciplinary Team Essay

The Social Workers Role in Multidisciplinary Team - Essay Example Realizing that the social worker's role is strongly influenced by the current trends and changes shaping the 21st century, this paper will look at the current role of social worker. The first part will generally discuss the important functions of social worker in the society. Afterwards, this paper will specifically expound on the crucial part played by the social worker in multidisciplinary teams. Generally, social workers carry out six basic functions in the society. Firstly, social workers are often seen as counselors who help various individuals in addressing their personal dilemmas. This counseling role has been a "powerful and recurrent ideas throughout the history of social work" and "has been closely associated with its core values of respect and recognition of the inherent role of the individual." Social work is often linked on how successful these agents are in extending their wisdom on distressed people. Second, social workers are expected to act as advocates of the poor and socially excluded, serving as a voice that will inform specific societal institutions of their needs and demands. Social workers also partners with abused and "disempowered" individuals and group with the core objective of empowerment. These agents are also irrefutably tasked to assess the needs or risks faced by groups and individuals. In order to efficiently carry out their role, social worker s also function as care managers who arrange care for individuals. Lastly, social workers are agents of social control who aids in maintaining the social system "against the demand of offenders" or other individuals possessing problematic behavior (Asquitin, Clark, and Waterhouse 2004). With the aforementioned roles carried out by social workers, they are, in fact vital in maintaining a healthy, efficient, and well-functioning society. Social workers are essential forces which shapes each society by ensuring that they help preventing the rise of societal problems. If problems are already present in a community, social workers are there to give solutions to these problems. These are the basic roles of the social workers in the general society. This is also the reason why they are often a part of multidisciplinary teams for child protection, family care, and patient care. Thus, in order to fully see how these general functions are carried out, this paper will look at a closer milieu which features the workplace of social workers-in multidisciplinary teams. Multidisciplinary teams are "groups of professionals from diverse disciplines who come together to provide comprehensive assessment and consultation" (What is a Multidisciplinary Team n.d.) The primary purpose of multidisciplinary teams is to help team members resolve difficult issues and fulfill a variety of additional functions according to their disciplines. In the case in child protection teams, typical members are child, youth, and family social workers, police, child abuse team, doctors for sexual abuse care, health workers, care and protection coordinators, care and protection resource panels, and community organizations. It should be noted that as a multidisciplinary team, these members represents different approaches to child protection, different skills, and specialization. Thus, they are imbued

Friday, August 23, 2019

Law business organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Law business organisation - Essay Example They eventually registered their business as private limited company on May 1 with Charlie, Edwin and Adam becoming the sole shareholders and directors. The initial assets of the company are: (i) the building Charlie sold to the company at 200,000 pound; (ii) the computer and printer Edwin bought from Computer Galore Ltd. On May 15, a payment request was received from Plumbers Mate Ltd for payment of the debt incurred by Adam for himself on March 15 (before their business was registered). Plumbers Express Ltd went into insolvent liquidation in August due to bad management. The current liabilities of the company include the payment to: (i) the solicitors; (ii) Computer Galore Ltd and Plumbers Mate Ltd; (iii) Charlie’s building that was sold. ... These issues include but are not restricted to: (i) settling all past financial obligations (contracts and debts) the company has incurred before the liquidation; (ii) holding regular meetings with the creditors with the hope of providing them the latest information about the company’s progress; (iii) and, continuing the company’s business activities (s. 134 (5)).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Liquidator and Plumbers Mate Ltd   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The liquidator is not expected to be concerned with any financial obligation or contract any of the three plumbers, namely Charlie, Edwin, and Adam may have had before the company was formed on May 1. In other words, Plumbers Mate Ltd should not bother the liquidator to pay for the services offered to Adam before the company was established. This realization absolves the liquidator of any financial payment to Plumbers Mate Ltd, and Adam should be duly informed to pay up his debt with the Plumbers Mate Ltd.   Although, it is not indicated in the scenario that the service bought by Adam was later reverted to Plumbers Express Ltd—the new      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3 company, Adam should hold a meeting with liquidator to explain his part in the process.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Liquidator and the Creditors   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is no record in the scenario that Plumber Express Ltd borrowed money directly from any bank or financial institution, but the donation of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Structuralistic Criticism and Gerard Genette Essay Example for Free

Structuralistic Criticism and Gerard Genette Essay Gerard Genette writes at the outset in his essay ‘Structuralism and Literary Criticism’ that methods developed for the study of one discipline could be satisfactorily applied to the study of other discipline as well. This is what he calls â€Å"intellectual bricolage ’, borrowing a term from Claude Levi-Strauss. This is precisely so, so far as structuralism is concerned. Structuralism is the name given to Saussure’s approach to language as a system of relationship. But it is applied also to the study of philosophy, literature and other sciences of humanity. Structuralism as a method is peculiarly imitable to literary criticism which is a discourse upon a discourse . Literary criticism in that it is meta-linguistic in character and comes into being / existence as metaliterature. In his words: â€Å"it can therefore be metaliterature, that is to say, ‘a literature of which literature is the imposed object’. † That is, it is literature written to explain literature and language used in it to explain the role of language in literature. In Genette’s words, ‘if the writer questions the universe, the critic questions literature, that is to say, the universe of signs. But what was a sign for the writer (the work) becomes meaning for the critic (since it is the object of the critical discourse), and in another way what was meaning for the writer (his view of the world) becomes a sign for the critic, as the theme and symbol of a certain literary nature’. Now this being so, there is certain room for reader’s interpretation. Levi-Strauss is quite right when he says that the critic always puts something of himself into the works he read. The Structuralist method of criticism: Literature, being primarily a work of language, and structuralism in its part, being preeminently a linguistic method, the most probable encounter should obviously take place on the terrain of linguistic material. Sound, forms, words and sentences constitute the common object of the linguist and the philologist to much an extent that it was possible, in the early Russian Formalist movement, to define literature as a mere dialect, and to envisage its study as an annex of general dialectology. Traditional criticism regards criticism as a message without code; Russian Formalism regards literature as code without message. Structuralism by structural analysis makes it possible to uncover the connection that exists between a system of forms and a system of meanings, by replacing the search for term by term analysis with one for over all homologies (likeness, similarity)†. Meaning is yielded by the structural relationship within a given work. It is not introduced from outside. Genette believed that the structural study of ‘poetic language’ and of the forms of literary expression cannot reject the analysis of the relations between code and message. The ambition of structuralism is not confined to counting feet and to observe the repetition of phonemes: it must also study semantic (word meaning) phenomena which constitute the essence of poetic language. It is in this reference that Genette writes: â€Å"one of the newest and most fruitful directions that are now opening up for literary research ought to be the structural study of the ‘large unities’ of discourse, beyond the framework – which linguistics in the strict sense cannot cross – of the sentence. One would thus study systems from a much higher level of generality, such as narrative, description and the other major forms of literary expression. There would be linguistics of discourse that was a translinguistics. Genette empathetically defines Structuralism as a method is based on the study of structures wherever they occur. He further adds, â€Å"But to begin with, structures are not directly encountered objects – far from it; they are systems of latent relations, conceived rather than perceived, which analysis constructs as it uncovers them, and which it runs the risk of inventing while believing that it is discovering them. Furthermore, structuralism is not a method; it is also what Ernst Cassirer calls a ‘general tendency of thought’ or as others would say (more crudely) an ideology, the prejudice of which is precisely to value structures at the expense of substances. Genette is of the view that any analysis that confines itself to a work without considering its sources or motives would be implicitly structuralist, and the structural method ought to intervene in order to give this immanent study a sort of rationality of understanding that would replace the rationality of explanation abandoned with the search of causes. Unlike Russian Formalist, Structuralists like Genette gave importance to thematic study also. â€Å"Thematic analysis†, writes Genette, â€Å"would tend spontaneously to culminate and to be tested in a structural synthesis in which the different themes are grouped in networks, in order to extract their full meaning from their place and function in the system of the work. † Thus, structuralism would appear to be a refuge for all immanent criticism against the danger of fragmentation that threatens thematic analysis. Genette believes that structural criticism is untainted by any of the transcendent reductions of psychoanalysis or Marxist explanation. He further writes, â€Å"It exerts, in its own way, a sort of internal reduction, traversing the substance of the work in order to reach its bone-structure: certainly not a superficial examination, but a sort of radioscopic penetration, and all the more external in that it is more penetrating. † Genette observes relationship between structuralism and hermeneutics also. He writes: â€Å"thus the relation that binds structuralism and hermeneutics together might not be one of mechanical separation and exclusion, but of complementarity: on the subject of the same work, hermeneutic criticism might speak the language of the assumption of meaning and of internal recreation, and structural criticism that of distant speech and intelligible reconstruction. † They would, thus, bring out complementary significations, and their dialogue would be all the more fruitful. Thus to conclude we may say, the structuralist idea is to follow literature in its overall evolution, while making synchronic cuts at various stages and comparing the tables one with another. Literary evolution then appears in all its richness, which derives from the fact that the system survives while constantly altering. In this sense literary history becomes the history of a system: it is the evolution of the functions that is significant, not that of the elements, and knowledge of the synchronic relations necessarily precedes that of the processes.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Racial Ethnic And Religious Profiling in the U.S. Essay Example for Free

Racial Ethnic And Religious Profiling in the U.S. Essay In the United States, ‘The land of the Free’, racial profiling of minority groups seems all too common. Many Americans believe that law enforcement as well as many other people often discriminates on minority groups simply because of their color of their skin. Civil rights activist and many leaders of minority groups are pressuring Enforcement agencies to eliminate racial and ethnic profiling during traffic stops and supposed random pedestrian stops. However, many law enforcement representatives claim that the complaints about these activities are overstated and are simply in the heads of the accusers. As a nation with a history of racial slavery and racial segregation, particularly towards any group that is not Anglo-American or fair skinned, African-Americans have long complained of racial profiling. Although racial slavery has been over for over one hundred years, and segregation that ended over fifty years ago, there is still tension between many people over race. Hispanics and Muslims are two other ethnic groups that feel the racial profiling, often being suspected of being terrorists or being illegal immigrants. Racial profiling is not a new subject in America. Racial profiling dates back to the colonial days in America. The revolutionary era there was religious profiling of Quakers because they were seen as being unfaithful to the revolution. African Americans have been racially profiled since the days of Slavery. Mexicans and Latinos have been scrutinized and called out by law enforcement since around the time Texas gained its independence. 19th century immigration laws created ethnic and racial profiling against Asians and southern and eastern Europeans. In August of 1777 the Continental Congress ordered the arrests of multiple Quakers that were supposedly disloyal to the Revolution. The Continental Congress had no evidence, and there were no trials. Many of the prisoners were exiled to a Virginia jail. The captives were released from the imprisonment because of pleas from their families and from a few political leaders. During the Pre-Civil War era African-Americans made up about one sixth of the country’s population. The majority of those African-Americans were slaves, with the majority of them slaves in the South. The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 had only a few things that protected actual free African-Americans. Slave hunters could legally capture the slaves that were able to escape. Free African-Americans had almost no immunity from being captured and treated as if they were runaway slaves. The new movie â€Å"12 Years a Slave† that recently came out in theatres shows how a free black man could be captured and sold into slavery without being able to prove their freedom, because of profiling any African-American as a slave. The end of slavery did not end the profiling of African-Americans. The Jim Crow era made segregation legal and seemingly right because of laws. The Jim Crow laws reinforced the belief that African-Americans were inferior to whites. Any African-Americans accused of committing a crime could be subject to unjust treatment by law enforcement and even unfair trials in court. One of the most heinous acts of racial profiling was the threat of racist vigilantes. According to the Tuskegee Institute, more than three thousand four hundred African-Americans were lynched from 1880 to 1950. Mexicans and Mexican-Americans were also victim to racial profiling since the days of the annexation of Texas from Mexico. In 1845 the Texas Rangers were formed and served as the nations first statewide police organization. According to the University of Texas’ del Carmen, the Texas Rangers committed many â€Å"brutal acts against Comanche tribes and thousands of Mexicans†. Many Mexican-Americans throughout the southwest United States and throughout most of Texas suffered from the same kind of racial segregation as African-Americans. In the 1930’s nearly 2 million Mexican-Americans were forced and aggressively pressured to leave the United States. In the late 19th century Federal immigration laws portrayed racial profiling by the national government. In 1875 one of the first Federal Immigration laws banned the entry of the country to many undesired Asian immigrants brought to the United States for forced labor and prostitution. In 1882 the Chinese Exclusion Act banned all immigration of Chinese laborers. Decades later the United States government put in action literacy tests to gain citizenship that were swayed to only help Europeans and not Asians or Latinos. On February 19th 1942 one of the most well known acts of racial profiling was committed. Under an executive order of president Franklin D. Roosevelt, the president ordered the internment of over 110,000 people mostly of Japanese descent following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The federal government believed that anyone of Japanese descent could be a threat to national security. Hundreds of thousands of innocent honest American citizens were forced into internment baffles me, considering that the government would never do that to White German-American citizens even though the main enemy of World War 2 was Germany. In the late 20th century racial and ethnic profiling became an important issue in the public eye. The African-American civil rights movement embodied the desire of African-Americans to be treated equally socially and under the treatment of law. After the Civil Rights movements, African-Americans and other minorities were being treated more fairly but still falling victim to racial profiling. The FBI and DEA perfected the â€Å"formal† art of racial profiling in the 1970’s. The DEA created a â€Å"profile† for supposed drug traffickers, which targeted African-Americans and people of Hispanic descent. The list of characteristics gave agents the right to randomly stop and search people matching the profile; legal racial profiling. In 1989 the Supreme Court granted permission to use those characteristics as probable cause to stop and search someone. Throughout the 1990’s racial profiling was an epidemic with law enforcement stops in the United States. Statistics show that African-Americans were the great majority of police drug stops. In Maryland during 1995, a man with the last name Wilkins filed a lawsuit against law enforcement to uncover hard evidence that African-Americans were being unfairly profiled. After a thorough investigation of the Maryland law enforcement, a state police â€Å"Criminal Intelligence Report† showed that there was a explicit profile for targeting African-Americans. The investigation actually uncovered that African-Americans were 72 percent of the stops made in the state. After the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001 there was a new group in the United States being racially profiled, Middle Easterners and Muslims. The federal government, as well as the many of the American public became suspicious of anyone of Middle Eastern descent or anyone who practiced the Muslim religion. Although the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful, many people as well as law enforcement began to racially profile them as â€Å"terrorist†. Even African-Americans and Latinos began to scrutinize innocent Middle Easterners. Although President George W. Bush promised to help end racial profiling because it was unconstitutional, following 9/11 the law enforcement began to profile even more than ever. The government focused on Arab Nationals and anyone who could possible have links to the terrorist group Al Qaeda. Immigration Authorities began rounding up hundreds of Middle Easterners for thorough questioning. Although they denied it, Airport screeners began giving special attention to anyone who appeared to be of Middle Eastern or Arabic descent. In 2003 the Bush administration issued a Racial Profiling guideline that stated racial profiling is okay as long as it is related to National Security. In 2008 the Barrack Obama administration and critics of racial profiling began to push for more legislation to prevent racial profiling. Being the first African-American President, it seemed as if times were changing as far as racial profiling stands in the United States. In 2009 the murder of African-American teenager Trayvon Martin griped the nation. The murder was a pure case of racial profiling by a vigilante in a predominantly white neighborhood. Martin’s murder George Zimmerman, a former neighborhood watchman was suspicious of Martin walking around his neighbor hood one evening. Zimmerman armed with his handgun, began stalking Martin and eventually confronted Martin, even though police dispatchers told Zimmerman not to. On Zimmerman’s 911 call he used racial slurs and clearly profiled Martin as a criminal because he was African-American. Eventually Zimmerman confronted Martin, the two got into a scuffle, and Zimmerman shot and killed the unarmed teen. After years of trial, the jury eventually acquitted Zimmerman of the murder charge claiming it was â€Å"self defense† even though Law enforcement told Zimmerman to not follow Martin and Zimmerman did anyways. The Trayvon martin murder is still a current issue that has the nation divided. After doing extensive research on the topic of Racial Profiling in the United States I have learned a lot about how far back and diverse racial profiling is. I believe that there will always be racial profiling as long as there are multiple races living in one country. Racial Profiling is simply human nature and cannot be undone by making laws or legislation. People subconsciously profile individuals based on their individual history and knowledge. People say â€Å"I don’t see color† but the fact of the matter is, everyone sees color. Even the victims of racial profiling are guilty of racially profiling others; whether or not they say it out loud people still think it. The only thing people can do is try there best to not act upon their assumptions of others based on race, and try their best to treat everyone equally regardless of what you may think initially. Its like the old saying, â€Å"Don’t Judge a book by its cover†.

The planning of change in an Organization

The planning of change in an Organization In this assignment background to organisational change will be discussed as well as the model of change and intervention techniques. Furthermore, needs and factors leading toward change will be discussed for chosen organisation and in the third part process to involve stakeholder in change will be described, in the last model of change will be developed to explain internal and external environment of organisation. For this task learner has chosen a company named Thomas cook which is Tourism Company. Thomas Cook group is a very vast group which deals in holidays planning, flights, cruises and flights. They organise all kind of holidays for all kind of people from all fields of life. They are one of the largest groups in the world through their mergers and partnerships. Thomas cook was just small firm who organise small tour but through the different changes they have become one the giants in the tourism market. Thomas cook first tour was organised way back in 5th July 1841 which was only 12 miles of train tour and now Thomas cook is second largest tourism group in UK and Ireland with around 19000 employees part of the company. Thomas cook group is not only tour operator but they 27 hotels in different part of the world and at the same time they have launched Thomas cook airline in U.K (Thomas Cook Plc, 2010). 1.1 MODELS OF CHANGE 1.1.1 ADKAR PROSCIS FIVE BUILDING BLOCKS ADKAR model consists of five steps. This is model which involves change which is directly related to the individual and to bring change in any organisation it is important to change individual thoughts. AWARENESS This is very important phase of the change in any organisation that how someone creates the awareness in the individual and communicate the information to everyone. Understanding why change is necessary is the first key aspect of the successful change. This step explains explain reasoning and thoughts that underlies a required change. Planned communication is communication is essential. When this step is fully completed then individual will understand why change is necessary (Change management coach, 2011). DESIRE Once the awareness among the staff is created for change it will bring desire among them to support and be part of the change. Desire to support can be achieved through giving individual incentives. KNOWLEDGE Knowledge about change can be achieved through coaching, normal training methods and education of employees. Through this employees can be informed and trained how to change and once the changed happened how to implement. ABILITY Ability to implement required skills and behaviours to change is very vital. In those theories which are learned in previous blocks needs to implemented in action. This can take some time so individual need support and couching to achieve objectives. REINFORCEMENT This is very important block of this model because once change is happened it is essential to sustain it so employees do not revert back to old structure and style of working and this can be achieved through monitoring and positive feedbacks. 1.1.2 KURT LEWIN (Unfreeze, Change, Freeze) UNFREEZE: The most important factor or phase of change is to understand the need of change and the right time for the change. As said earlier it is the difficult phase of change as most of individual do not like to change the way they are working. To change motivation plays very important role if motivation is high it is easy to bring change if the motivation is low then people resist changing. CHANGE Once it is understood that change is required then the next part of process is change because during this process people fear about their future and they are very cautious to go toward new way of work or new style of management, furthermore as this is not easy time people need time to adjust to new condition and style of working and they need time and space and guidance to achieve the require goals(Change management coach, 2011). FREEZE Last stage of Kurt Levin change model is freeze this is stage is all about maintaining all the changes which were made during previous stages and this can be achieve through monitoring and keep close look on all the matters regarding organisation. If close monitoring is not properly done then there are chances of people going back to old way of working (Change management coach, 2011). 1.1.3 McKINSEYS MODLE OF 7S Strategy Plan for organisation to reach their target and goal is called strategy. It is very important part of this model as it defines the future objectives for organisation. Structure Structure is another important part for organisation as it covers all part of the organisation and it is vital for organisation to have strong structure to develop and achieve their goal and objectives. System The procedure and way to do organisational routine work which needs to be done on daily basis. Skills It is qualities and abilities of an individual or organisation Staff Staffs are the people who work for organisation one agenda or objectives Style It is very important part for any organisation because style of working directly affects outcome of the organisation. 1.2: RELEVANCE OF THE CHANGE MODEL IN THOMAS COOK IN THE CURRENT ECONOMY Current economic situation is affecting every business of the world and most of the businesses are suffering and are unable to achieve their objectives. Under the current economic situation it is very important for Thomas Cook to understand the need of the change to keep growing and get further success and if they do not able to understand the need of current economic situation and need of change it will be hard Thomas Cook to sustain the success they achieved. There are lot of change model which can give guidance to organisations to bring change and formulate strategy. According to current economic situation and current position of Thomas cook ADKAR model of change can bring lot of benefit and improvement in the business of Thomas cook. It is very important for the management of Thomas Cook to create awareness to their employees about the current situation of economy and awareness should be given to them how change is essential for organisation and employees. Also, desire for something plays vital role and Thomas Cook wants to bring change to it is important for them to tell their employees about benefits and incentive of change so desire can be created in the employees that change will not only bring benefit for organisation but also them. Once desire is being created it is very important for Thomas Cook to arrange some programme for training and education which can help their employees to deal with upcoming changes and challenges. In this stage management of Thomas Cook needs to support the employees to enhance their ability achieve objectives. In the last stage it is essential for Thomas Cook to have very close monitoring of the employees behaviour and working style so that they can revert to old ways of working. 1.3 VALUE OF STRATEGIC INVERVENTION TECHNIQUES Strategic intervention techniques plays central role in applying change in an organisation. Through strategic intervention techniques awareness and knowledge can be given about change it gives the better understanding of change to a person. In the case of Thomas Cook, for the planned change to materialize, there is a need for the management to constantly have a teambuilding consensus to encourage individuals to participate in all the activities concerning the operation. Everyone must know that working as a team and fighting the crisis together will help them beat the challenge of the economic downturn. Thomas Cook must minimize the leadership style of being autocratic; hence, a need to exercise more being participative is essential to motivate employees in performing well. In this way, staffs are given the privilege to bring out their ideas for the accomplishment of an objective. Human Process Intervention is also advantageous in implementing changes in Thomas Cook as every individual needs coaching and development. Good interpersonal relationship is very essential in every organization. Because Thomas Cook is a large company, team building is needed for the employees to enhance their skills in mingling with one another so as to excel in developing their marketing skills needed in the business. Problem solving must be given focus so that the organization will have an excellent working environment. As Thomas Cook is a travel and tourist company, external environment will always be taken into consideration. The competition in the market, the present economic situation and the climate in every place will have a great effect in the business. Therefore, to plan for any changes, analysis concerning to external factors of the business must be undergone so as not to waste resources. For instance, fortuitous events like recent massive ashes in Iceland which have caused so much delay in the Europe flights, the threat of terrorist attacks in some countries and the continuous high increase of the cost in travel. These circumstances will have a tremendous effect in the tourism industry because people will tend to stay to their own country for their safety. Strategic intervention techniques are important for the organization to have guidelines on why they do, what they do, and how they are going to do to fulfil the organizations objective. 2. ISSUE RELATING TO STRATEGIC CHANGE IN THOMAS COOK: World is changing rapidly and at the same time demand, need and interest of people are changing with it, world has become a global village so if something happens in one part of the world it affects the other part of the world too. There are current economic issues, political and environmental issues which are the major cause for the change. It is vital for organisation to understand what is happening around them to compete and keep growing, furthermore many organisation doing mergers, acquisition, forming new partnerships in the world which may affect organisations because they are now more linked then compare to past because of globalisation. 2.1 NEEDS FOR CHANGE IN THOMAS COOK Thomas cook is organisation which deals in tourism and hospitality. During the last few years Thomas cook is unable to meet their targets which were set by them; it is becoming very hard for Thomas cook to maintain the success they had for years. Current economic situation is major issue as most of people are struggling with their finance and it is affecting on their way spending too. Those people who were used to go for holidays often now not going for it as it would put extra pressure on them and on their budget. So compare to the previous years Thomas cook is not getting same amount of revenue. Globally tourism has gone down in last couple of years and most of people now do not go for expensive holidays as it is becoming difficult for them. Furthermore some political changes in the world are directly affecting the business of Thomas Cook, for example current political situation in Egypt is disturbing the planning of Thomas Cook as in last few years they have concentrated heavily on Egypt for their tourism business but the current volatile situation is putting off lot of tourist from traveling to Egypt which is putting more burden on the financial status of Thomas Cook. 2.2 FACTORS DRIVING THE CHANGE IN THOMAS COOK: Change is the demand of the time for Thomas Cook because there are so many issues which are demanding change. Major factor which faced by most of the organisation in all kind of field is economic meltdown which is putting lot of pressure on organisation budget as most of them are unable to meet their financial target. So Thomas Cook needs to review their strategy to attract more tourists toward them, furthermore political situation of many countries are damaging the business of Thomas Cook, as they have invested a lot in partnership with different hotel in Egypt for tourist but as the political situation of Egypt is very much shaky and dangerous for the tourist because of this many who in the past like to go places like this but now they are avoiding Egypt, so it is important for Thomas cook to address this issue as it is proving quite destructive for the organisation. It is imperative for Thomas Cook to bring change to address all the issue internally and externally. They need to bring change as current situation in Egypt is affecting them and their investment, so they need to look toward some other market which are more safe and stable politically and economically and where they can attract more tourist for example places like China, Russia they are the places which not only can be hot tourist spots but it can bring lot tourist as well. The change involves a corporate strategy focused on new market, service and new ways of doing business (Tichy, 1983) 2.3 RESOURCE IMPLICATION FOR THOMAS COOK: Resources are most important factor in the growth of the organisation any organisation, without right resources it is hard for organisation to go further to develop and bring changes according to the demand of market and customers. Thomas Cook has to consider resources which may be hurdle for them to bring change in their organisational policies. 2.3.1 FINANCIAL RESOURCES Finance is the biggest issue regarding change in the Thomas cook, as Thomas Cook as put lot of investment in Egypt in hotel industry to attract more tourist toward Egypt but as Egypt internal situation is not very good for tourism so it could be very hard for Thomas cook to invest money in some other project. So at this time it can be one big issue for Thomas Cook if they want to bring change in the policies of organisation, further more in last few years because of economic down fall tourism industry is badly affected and with this situation Thomas Cook is already in bad financial situation so financial resources can be main barrier for Thomas Cook if they want to bring change in the organisation (Thomas Cook Plc, 2010). 2.3.2 HUMAN RESOURCES: To bring change employees have to play vital role in that process but sometime employees do not accept the change as they do not like to change the way they work. First of all as Thomas cook need to give better training to its employees because it is essential for their employees to get further training of marketing to present better but in this case some employees may not like it as some do not like to accept that they are lacking skills and they will not change. Second thing is as Thomas Cook is struggling with finance so they have to consider releasing some pressure from their budget so for that they need to do downsizing in the organisation but again it will not be easy as employees resist again any step like this. 3. TO LEAD STAKEHOLDER IN DEVOPING A STRATEGY FOR CHANGE: It is important to bring involvement of the stakeholders in the overall change process as they are the one who are directly affected by the changes in the organisation. 3.1 SYSTEM TO INVOLVE THE STAKEHOLDER IN PLANNING CHANGE It is very important to understand the how stakeholder should be involved in the change process and this totally depends on the organisation and the way it works. As they are mainly two types of stakeholders internal stakeholders and external stakeholders and involvement of them is very important as they are the one who are linked with organisation. Organisation should consider the suggestion and opinion of the stakeholders and give value to what they think and what is their demand regarding change in the organisation. 3.1.1 INTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS INVOVLEMENT IN PLANNING To bring and involve all internal stakeholders in planning the first step is to create awareness about the change and Thomas Cook should provide proper information to its stakeholder about the change and then based on the information it is important to get feedback and suggestion from the stakeholders. Through this process internal stakeholders will be comfortable and will believe they are the part of the organisation and its planning. For this purpose Thomas Cook should make open forum on their website where all employees can go and provide their feedback and they can discuss with each about the planning and change for Thomas Cook, this way it will be easy for employees to say what they want to say and it can help Thomas Cook to get better understanding of employees opinion. 3.1.2 EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDER INVOLVMENT IN PLANNING: External stakeholders are customers who are also affected by the change in the organisation so it is crucial for organisation to get customers involvement in the overall change in the Thomas Cook as whatever change will be planned should be for customers benefit and to provide them better services. To involve them in the process Thomas Cook must conduct survey and get feedback about the organisation from customers and they should be ask what they want to see in the Thomas Cook and what are their demands regarding the organisation. Through this organisation can understand what their external stakeholders want and how they can achieve their satisfaction. 3.2 CHANGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY WITH STAKEHOLDERS: Internal stakeholders are they main player in transforming change in organisation. As currently Thomas Cook is going through tough phase for the reasons which were mentioned earlier so it is important that employees of the Thomas cook should be given more training regarding presentation and marketing of product. This kind of training will help employees to enhance their skills and it will help Thomas cook to get more customers in this tough economic period. External stakeholders are those who get service from the Thomas cook and customers are most important for any organisation. So it is vital that Thomas Cook should keep very close relationship with its customer and they should inform and give proper awareness to the customer about what is organisation going through and what is happening? As in current economic situation it is hard for customer to afford expensive holidays trips so Thomas cook should get feedback from its customer to understand what is right price and affordability for them in this situation, through this it will be easy for them to get change which will help organisation to get better business. 3.3 EVALUATION OF SYSTEM USED TO INVOLVE STAKEHOLDERS: It is very important phase for the Thomas Cook to involve the stakeholder in the change management policies and it will affect the performance of the employees. Through involvement system employees will feel more interested toward their work and it will give them the feel of responsibility toward the organisation, furthermore participation in the management decision can bring lot of motivation among the employees and other stakeholders which make them perform better for the Thomas Cook in this difficult phase of economy, furthermore to involve customer in the system it can be more beneficial for company and opinion of stake holder not only support organisation to understand the need and demand but also gives better understanding of issue and problem regarding performance. 3.4 STRATEGY TO MANAGE RESISTANCE Resistance against change always come, no matter how well prepared and systemized is change, there are always people who will resist against change and bring hurdle against and will take long to accept it, No matter how well designed and planned your change program is, not everyone will be singing its praises (Business Performance, 2011). It is very important for Thomas cook that how they will plan against any sort of resistance and how they will manage it. It is job of management to provide wide range of incentive to those people who will perform well in new condition and announce bonus and promotion for those people who achieve their targets and objectives for Thomas cook, through this way resistance can be reduced among the employees. In some way force and authority can be utilized to implement change in the organisation and message should be given clearly to the employees what Thomas cook will not tolerate anything which is against the company polices. Another way is to explain to all stakeholders how the current situation is not benefiting anyone and tell them if change is not done everybody will suffer and at the same time it is the job of the management to make it crystal clear to everyone that how change will bring improve everyones career. Finally it is the job of the management if any resistance come they should find the reason for that and management should be flexible to listen and talk to those people who are unwilling to accept change, further through this management can understand grass root of the resistance and can handle it better way. 4. PLAN TO IMPLEMENT MODELS FOR ONGOING CHANGE 4.1 APPROPRIATE MODEL FOR CHANGE IN THOMAS COOK Once an organisation is going through a change process it is very critical to use appropriate model of change to keep the process running and on right track because there is possibility of organisation losing their way in the middle of process and it can be a reason for failure of objectives. So for this purpose Kotters 8 step model of change will be used during the change process of Thomas Cook, furthermore it is important for Thomas Cook to establish sense of urgency to keep all stakeholders interest in it and it is important to create vision, look for short term goals, empowering people, developing a strong coalition and stick with the change process. If Thomas Cook can implement kotters 8 step model of change it will be able to guide them through this process of the change and organisation can make progress to achieve set targets and objectives. 4.2 PLAN TO IMPLEMENT MODEL FOR CHANGE It is very important to have right planning and model to bring change in organisation and for this purpose Kotters 8 step of change model will be used to implement change in Thomas cook. 4.2.1 Establish a sense of urgency Establishing a sense of urgency is necessary in gaining the cooperation whis is essential to drive an important change effort. Most organizations dont mind this step, in fact almost 50% of the organizations that fail to implement needed change incur mistakes at the start. Organisation may undermined how hard it is to manoeuvre people out of their comfort zones, or misjudge how fruitfully they have previously performed so, or merely patience are not enough to enhance proper urgency .( Kotter international, 2011) So it is very important for Thomas Cook to understand the need of urgency for establish permanent change in organisation. As current situation of economy is not good and tourist are not coming out to spend, so it is important for vital for Thomas cook to establish sense of urgency in their marketing and should look for different destination for tourist which could bring interest back in tourists. 4.2.2 Creating Powerful Guiding Coalition No one person, no matter how competent, is capable of single handedly developing the right vision, communicating it to vast numbers of people, eliminating all of the key obstacles, generating short term wins, leading and managing dozens of change projects and anchoring new approaches deep in an organizations culture.   The right group of people is necessary to form coalition in leading a change for the organization to succeed. That coalition must have the appropriate components, an important degree of being trustworthy, and a shared objective. ( Kotter international, 2011) Thomas cook should form a strong team of individual from different department who can work together. 4.2.3 Creating the change vision Clear vision serves three significant purposes.   First, it makes complicated decisions into a simpler one.  Next is to encourage individuals to perform in the appropriate direction even though pain has been experienced already on the first step. Subsequently, it aids to synchronize the actions of various people in an outstanding quick and effective means ( Kotter international, 2011). Thomas Cook needs to provide clear path to all its employees about their plan regarding change in the organisation policies. 4.2.4 Communicating the vision To acquire understanding and commitment to a fresh direction is a difficult task most importantly in complex companies and it entails a lots of inconsistency ( Kotter international, 2011). It is essential for Thomas cook to establish good communication through seminars, meeting and internet forums to provide awareness to everyone about vision of the Thomas Cook. 4.2.5 Empowering others to remove obstacles When there is a change there will be obstacles so it is vital for Thomas Cook to understand this issue that during change there will be many hurdles and obstacle will occur and to deal with them it is necessary for them to empower employees to implement the vision of the organisation. These people can motivate other to do better to achieve same kind of incentive and promotion in organisation. During the change process Thomas cook needs to give those employees promotion and incentive that performed better in this process and gives them authority to lead other in change process. 4.2.6 Short -term wins For Thomas Cook in the middle of a long-term change effort, short-term wins are essential.   According to Kotter International, running a change effort without attention to short-term performance is extremely risky. Therefore, getting some targets achieved in early phase of change are very crucial and it gives more encouragement to the staff and the member of the staff. Thomas needs to increase their booking quarterly in location like Russia and china. .   4.2.7 Consolidate Improvement and produce more changes As stated in Kotter International, resistance is often waiting in the wings to reaffirm itself and even if you are successful in the beginning, you may just power resistors underground where they hang around for an opportunity to exist when its not being expected. This is the most critical phase of change when early success is achieved and sometime organisation tend to relax but it is important to understand that relaxation may lead toward failure so its necessary to carry on for further change. After achieving short term objectives it is important for Thomas Cook need to monitor all that process and look for new opportunities to keep on the change process. 4.2.8 Make Change Permanent New practices must grow deep roots in order to remain firmly planted in the culture.   Culture is composed of norms of behaviour and shared values. These social forces are incredibly strong.   Every individual that joins an organization is inculcated into its culture, generally without even realizing it. It is important for Thomas cook to keep very close eye on the system and monitor everything to not let employees to go back to old ways of working; through this changes will become permanent in the organisation. 4.3 APPROPRIATE MEASURES TO MONITOR PROGRESS OF CHANGE: After entering in a change process the main thing is to monitor and measure the progress of the Thomas Cook, Thomas cook need to have system through they can check performance of everyone on short terms and on the basis of this process Thomas Cook will be able to get right judgement of every employee, furthermore after this they can provide further guidance to those who are behind in the process and it can be done through further training and mentoring. On the other hand Thomas cook management must be informed about every step take about the process. 5. CONCLUSION: Thomas cook is being affected by current economic situation and Egypt political condition so to bring change in the company they need to address few issues regarding finance and to achieve their target they need to look for merger and partnerships in other markets. In the current status quo, ADKAR model is advantageous for the business to as it is focused on individual change. On the other hand, for the implementation of the formulated change to Thomas Cook in line with the needs of the company, Kotters 8 steps to successful change is advantageous. Thus, it tackles every aspect of the organization necessary for the desired change.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Necessity of Marrying Well in Jane Austens Sense and Sensibility E

In Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility, the necessity of marrying well is one of the central themes. In Austen’s era a woman’s survival depended on her potential to acquire an affluent partner. This meant a choice of marrying for love and quite possibly starve, or marry a securing wealthy person, there was a risk of marrying someone who you might despise. Passage One, portrays the relationship between Marianne and Willoughby. Marianne was blinded by her love, ‘He was exactly formed to engage Marianne’s heart.’ Marianne is someone who can show no concern for wealth if she believes she has found true love. Willoughby was estimated to be ‘Faultless as in Marianne’ Willoughby was all that Marianne fancied, her affection for him was beyond everything else. This is rather ironic for Willoughby the man she loves holds a wholly contradicting viewpoint on the matter. Willoughby is willing to sacrifice even the greatest of loves if it cannot secure status and wealth. Passage one also indicates the necessity of marrying well. Mrs. Dashwood illustrates a shallow reaction to the situation ...

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Occupational Safety and Health Act Essay -- Workforce Safety Regul

The Occupational Safety and Health Act Just imagine working in an environment where there are very few safety regulations, and little safety equipment. Think of how it was for employees of a steel manufacturing plant to work where there are almost no safety regulations and safety hazards all around you. This is how the work environment was before 1970; there were only few laws or regulations that required employers to maintain certain safety standards or working conditions for employees. However in 1970 President Richard Nixon sought to change all of this by signing into law the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). The Occupational Safety and Health Act’s mission is to assure the safety and health of America's workers by setting and enforcing standards; providing training, and education; and encouraging continual improvement in workplace safety and health ( OSHA covers an extremely wide array of workers, from construction workers to office workers. However when the act was first passed it was not heavily enforced and lacked inspectors. In 1970 because there were three times as many fish and game wardens than there were OSHA inspectors, people said that the trout and quail were more protected than Americas working men and women (Bennett, Alexander, & Hartman, 2003). Though today OSHA has approximately 2100 inspectors, plus complaint discrimination investigators, engineers, physicians, educators, standards writers, and other technical and support pers...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

My fourth question to my interviewees was: What is the best way to handle a bullying situation in school settings? Tamar stated first thing is to take immediate action when bullying is observed. Respond in a timely manner to all reports of bullying. Provide protection for students who are bullied. Establish support programs and resources for both the target and bully. These Strategies include establishing classroom rules against bullying, holding regular class meetings to discuss bullying at school. Karen said develop policies that define bullying and provide appropriate responses to the problem. Apply school rules, policies, and sanctions fairly and consistently. Establish an effective system for reporting bullying, including adults who can be relied on to respond responsibly and sensitively. Explicitly, teach students to understand bullying and the consequences. In addition, Karen stated, â€Å"I do not believe that Green River Community College is doing all the things I mentioned† these comment made me go â€Å"HUH†? Ali’s response was to partner with law enforcement and mental health agencies to identify and address cases of serious bullying. Promote the norm for a bully-free school throughout the entire school community. Engage students to help promote the norm of a bully-free school. My fifth question to my interviewees was: What can the community partners do to help promote bully-free climate here at, Green River Community College? Tamar said community members can participate in problem-solving groups or ant-bullying policy committees here at the college. Community members can also share positive cultural perspectives, norms, and expectations as models for students. Promote norms that show the community does not tolerate bullying... ...g is allowed to continue, which it can have strong consequences effect. Green River Community College needs to redesign their curriculum in promote anti-bullying climate in ways that highlights the anti-bullying message clearly to all students and faculties. One smart and efficient strategy to create an anti-bullying environment will be conducting public announcements to offer an ideal way for student campaigns that promote anti-bully-free campus. This is also a way to encourage students to report bullying and teach them how to get help if they feel threatened. Also the college’s web site is a technology based way to communicate expectations of student behavior and show how bullying will be perceived and dealt with at the college. Posting the policy and notifying students, staff, and parents prevent misunderstanding and ensure clarity of intent for all concerned.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Enhancing Efl Learners Writing Skill Via Journal Writing Education Essay

The accomplishment of authorship has been for old ages considered to be of import, but besides demanding and disputing for foreign linguistic communication scholars. In Enhancing EFL Learners ‘ Writing Skill via Journal Writing, Tuan points out that pupils ‘ advancement in authorship is hindered by uninteresting nature of the accomplishment itself ( Hedge, 1991: 6 ) , fright of rectification and clip force per unit area ( Weir, 1990: 61 ) . In his research, he aims at set uping whether the acquisition of composing accomplishments can be facilitated and advanced by the usage of diary authorship. The experiment took topographic point amongst 85 Vietnamese sophomore pupils of English of similar authorship proficiency. The topics, divided into Control ( CG ) and Experimental Group ( EG ) , were assigned assorted in-class authorship activities. Members of the latter were besides required to carry on a personal diary for a period of 13 hebdomads. The consequences were analysed and compared harmonizing to quantitative ( figure of words produced, figure of unfinished essays, figure of errors and mean tonss ) and qualitative methods ( questionnaire study ) . The findings province that participants from the Experimental Group produced more words, made less errors and received better tonss. Their motive has besides increased as they found the activity utile and enjoyable. It is undeniable that the pattern of composing diaries helped Experimental Group scholars develop their general composition accomplishments, nevertheless, carry oning the research in an academic environment seems slightly unequal, peculiarly when one takes into consideration Tuan ‘s motivations behind the survey and the fact that academic authorship is well different from that found in a typical foreign linguistic communication schoolroom. Britton ( 1972: 93 ) , in his acknowledged taxonomy, divided composing into three types: expressive ( exploratory ) , transactional ( explanatory ) , and poetic. This differentiation has been since supported by legion bookmans, including Phenix ( 2002: 50-52 ) and Browne ( 1999: 8-9 ) . Transactional authorship is related to academia, as it â€Å" prepares authors for engagement in their academic or professional discourse community † ( Babin and Harrison, 1999: 258 ) , while private diaries are classified as expressive composing seeing that they involve â€Å" linguistic communication near to the ego, uncovering the talker, verbalising his consciousness, exposing his stopping point relationship with the reader † ( Britton et al. , 1975: 88 ) . White ( 1995: 201 ) placed journal authorship amongst those techniques that help develop expressive, non explanatory composing accomplishments. On this footing serious uncertainties can be raised against the value of diary authors hip in developing academic authorship accomplishments. White proposes that the advancement in scholarly authorship should non be achieved by agencies of authorship, but reading: Within academic authorship, the nexus between reading and composing is extremely of import. Reading provides content every bit good as theoretical accounts. Students need developing in sum uping and rephrasing so that they can abstract thoughts from beginnings and present them within the context of their ain authorship ( White, 1995: 59 ) . It is extremely likely that by composing diaries pupils were forced to look for certain words and forms in order to convey their ideas and feelings, which developed their general authorship accomplishments and improved foreign linguistic communication competency. It is nevertheless undeniable that such development is limited to specific, repetitive set phrases and discourse ( e.g. day-to-day modus operandis ) and does non enable pupils to compose in a broad spectrum of subjects. One of the standards taken into history by the writer when measuring findings was figure of words produced. This benchmark seems nevertheless by no agencies related to truth and eloquence – standards of judgement. Undoubtedly, a greater figure of words does non guarantee the meaningfulness of vocalizations. It can, on the contrary, cause prolixity as the participants use constructions that are typical for this peculiar discourse ( e.g. disjunct adverbials ) . With mention to the statements that supported set abouting the research, one averment stated that pupils feel â€Å" uncomfortable about being corrected † and are hence afraid of perpetrating mistakes. The conversations nevertheless revealed that the pupils felt that they can larn and profit from doing mistakes, even if they encounter jobs with showing thoughts and feelings over a limited linguistics repertory. Another disagreement between the concluding behind the research and the existent results is that the challenge of developing the wont of â€Å" believing on paper † was non met by diary authorship. Despite bring forthing more words and doing less errors, huge bulk of Experimental Group pupils kept interpreting their thoughts from the First to the Second Language. Although the research has emphasised truth, instead less attending has been paid to fluency in footings of functional rightness. The interviews conducted by the research worker expose great diverseness in discourse used by the participants. The linguistic communication of the pupil who liked diary authorship appears comparatively right, but sounds unnatural and awkward. Conversely, the pupil who did non like the activity, makes a few errors, but his address comes across every bit much more natural and unschooled. On the whole, the extracts from pupils entries presented in the article are a mixture of formal and informal authorship, with phrases like â€Å" I feel like composing diaries † in one sentence, and â€Å" hence † or â€Å" a meaningful nowadays † in another. As a consequence, the concluding lingual merchandise sounds inelegant and unreal. One advantage of diary authorship is the development of certain, general authorship accomplishments. However, the virtues of diary authorship in developing academic authorship accomplishments remained unaddressed by the research. In the instance of the probe, it seems that pupils gained accomplishments they should already possess or at least pattern at the academic degree: summarising, rephrasing, critical thought, and doing their authorship cohesive.

Friday, August 16, 2019

CASA Ethical Business Considerations

Abstract This paper explores the mission and goals of CASE, a nonprofit organization which provides advocacy for children in court proceedings. CASES mission and goals will be explained and ethical considerations with regard to a nonprofits fundraising strategy will be discussed. An overview of the benefits received from technological advancements will be discussed and applied to CASES fundraising strategy.CASE' nonprofit status and Internal Revenue Code section 501 (sys applicability to COCA'S financial and budgetary operations will be addressed and analyzed. An evaluation of COCA'S budget process and revenue sources will be discussed, along with internal factors which may impact its successful strategic financial planning. COCA'S use of cost-benefit analysis will be discussed and the analysis will conclude with an overview of COCA'S cash management and investment strategies, and an assessment of COCA'S present overall condition.Keywords: CASE, mission statement, goals, ethical stan dards for nonprofits, fundraising, technological improvements, IRS section 501 (c) nonprofit status, annual Form 990 filing requirements, budget, revenue, strategic uncial planning, cost-benefit analysis, cash management, Investment strategies, financial assessment CASE for Children Mission and Goals of CASE CASE is a nationwide nonprofit organization that advocates in state and local courts for the best interests of abused and neglected children through the services of specially selected and trained community volunteers.These volunteers come from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds. The mission of the National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association (NCSA), together with its chartered state and local members, is to support and promote court appointed voluntary advocacy so hat every abused and neglected child can be safe, establish permanence and have the opportunity to thrive (Keeping our promise: National COCA'S strategic objectives). Every court In the united States reco gnizes that a CASE volunteer Is essential for a successful outcome for children . And [e]very child can thrive In the safe embrace of a loving family. † (Ibid. ). CASE trains and supports court approved volunteers to advocate for children who need representation in court proceedings in order to ensure that the best interest of these children are met quickly and efficiently. The ultimate goal of CASE is to make sure children affected by the court system secure a safe and permanent home.Ethical Considerations Related to Finance & Budgeting Within CASE COCA'S receives funding through a variety of sources including grants, local governments, fundraising events, and corporate and private donations. Sometimes 0 good intentions get the best of even the best-intentioned, and all the assumptions about goodness make for some easy marks, In terms of fraud (Jennings, M. , 2012, p. 559). â€Å"There's tremendous pressure on Charles today to Increase their revenues to meet expenses and gro wing public needs.Unfortunately, this can Influence some organizations to take financial risks because of potential rewards. † (Bennett M Bureaus, Ibid. ). Successful fundraising by regional CASE programs sponsored by the national organization is the primary source of its financial resources. Funding sources want assurance that they are being asked to support a carefully researched and well planned program that fills researched local community needs. Often with nonprofits, the problem is not fraud by the organization; it is fraud or misconduct or missteps within the organization Innings, 2012, p. 5). Whether because of inexperience, the need for flexibility in management, or, Just as with companies, the drive for success and results, there have been some ethical issues that have proven costly for nonprofit organizations (Ibid. ). Competition is stiff in raising funds for children's programs like CASE and founders want to know that they are not throwing money away on a program that will fail because of poor planning, lack of coordination or duplication of the efforts of other human service organizations. Technological Considerations for Improving the Efficiency & EffectivenessCASE can provide efficient and effective services to children involved in the court system through improved technological fundraising and outreach processes which will increase the sustain the viability of its finance and budgeting systems. â€Å"Cloud computing, also known as the cloud,' refers to applications, services, or software offered over the internet instead of requiring direct connections to a server. † (Boles, 2013, p. 70). Cloud technologies reduce the costs of services and the time it takes to communicate information among staff members, volunteers and donors via email and collaborative software (Ibid. The useful purpose of social media such as Faceable, Twitter, Linked, and Pinsetters will allow CASE to connect and interact with staffers, volunteers, donors, as w ell as affected children and their guardians (Ibid. ). Social media networks are increasingly important tools for nonprofits like CASE to raise awareness, conduct outreach and raise funds (Ibid. , up. 70, 71). Innovations such as cloud computing systems, social media and mobile technologies should be incorporated into COCA'S fundraising efforts in order to improve its quality of services and work processes. Applicable Laws, Regulations,Policies Impacting COCA'S Financial & Budget Operations All state and local CASE organizations formed under the national CASE association must file for exemption status under section 501 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) in order to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions and Form 990 annual tax returns of income and expenses even though they are exempt from income taxation under the Code (Internal Revenue Service, â€Å"Requirements for Exemption,† â€Å"Application for recognition of exemption,† â€Å"Exempt Organization s – Required Filings,† â€Å"Form 990 Resources,† and â€Å"Tools for Exempt Organizations†).Expected changes in auditing standards and Form 990 reporting for nonprofit organizations may require increased data gathering and raise the cost of audits. These changes are expected to have an impact on some CASE programs [and] National CASE recommends that member programs contact a tax professional or auditor for more information (whom. IRS. Org). Among these changes is the new Suite of Risk Assessment Audit Standards, CPA Statement on Auditing Standards Nose.National CASE regularly seeks ways to reduce costs for local chapters so that they can increase the number of children they serve and one of the areas CASE focuses n is insurance (NCSA). Pursuant to CASE standards, it is extremely important to have a well thought out risk management plan, including adequate insurance coverage to protect CASE staff, agency and the board (Ibid. ). Annual financial reviews are required of CASE programs with budgets of $50,000 or greater and annual audits are required for programs with budgets of over $200,000 (Ibid. . Searching for and purchasing cost-saving insurance coverage is an ongoing practice the CASE uses to keep expenses within its organization's budget. COCA'S policy in contractual practices stresses that unwritten contracts must be in rating. â€Å"Putting an agreement in writing serves several goals. First a written contract provides an indisputable, although not necessarily unambiguous, record of the agreement. The law gives great weight to written, signed documents †¦Second, the process of committing an agreement to writing forces both parties to be [clear] about the [terms] of the agreement. † (NCSA). Key elements for CASE service contracts terms should include scope of work, deadlines and duration, money, record keeping and reporting, rights to work products, liability protections, dispute resolution, legal implicate and contr acting process (Ibid. ). COCA'S internal policy covering essential terms to be included in written contracts it enters into saves the organization costs that would otherwise be expended to enforce service agreements.Evaluation of COCA'S Budget Process & Revenue Sources One of the great challenges facing CASE is to obtain the money required to launch the program and maintain its operations (NCSA). Who is going to pay for the CASE program implemented and used by the courts and the community leaders? (Ibid. ). COCA'S guidelines are found in its Manual, Section 1 – Planning a Quality Program, Chapter 6: Funding the Program, and includes how to develop the first budget, develop the right approach to fundraising, locating possible funding sources, locating federal funding, and locating National CASE resource development protocols (Ibid. . The first hurdle is to develop an expense budget by comparing what the actual costs of goods and services presently is for similar nonprofit orga nizations within in the chosen community the CASE chapter is to be located (Ibid). Budget expenses include personnel, equipment, volunteer support, facility, supplies, travel, telephone ND Internet service, administrative costs, staff training, and dues and publications (Ibid). After the type and amount of budget expenses are identified and estimated, an approach to fundraising must be established.Funding sources want assurance that they are being asked to support a carefully researched and well planned program that fits the community's needs (NCSA). Keys to successful fundraising are to â€Å"know who you are asking, know what you are asking for, and ask and ask again. † (Ibid. ) Common funding sources are â€Å"in-kind contributions† in the form of support such as he court, community service organizations, state bar associations, and law firms (Ibid. ).Examples of federal funding are available in the form of grants authorized by Congress specifically for the expansio n of CASE advocacy for abused and neglected children such as the National CASE Association of Grants Program, the Children's Act (Ibid. ). As with all nonprofit organizations, CASE strives to obtain and sustain an optimal funding mix of public and private support to secure its future (Ibid. ). In today's fragile economic climate, there is intense competition for both public and riveter funding support because of increased costs of doing business combined with recent curtailments in government funds.Therefore, to enhance its fundraising efforts, CASE uses several data collection surveys and evaluations to document and justify its performance. Internal Factors Impacting COCA'S Successful Strategic Financial Planning CASE has developed and implemented several internally generated data collection and evaluations of the quantity and quality of its services provided to children in order to assess its efforts and to ultimately improve its services (NCSA).COCA'S racketing and communications department collects, analyzes and publishes surveys such as yearly Recent Local Program Survey Reports, Performance Measurement, State Organization Survey Reports, and additional surveys such as Caliber Evaluation of CASE Representation Report, and Judges and Attorney Survey of Volunteer CASE/ GALS (Ibid. ). Another internal tool used by CASE is its CASE Effectiveness Manual (Manual) (Ibid. . The purpose of the Manual is to provide CASE programs with an easy to use system for tracking information necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of its state and local chapters' programs (Ibid. â€Å"Emphasis is placed on how to write and measure goals related to child-outcomes. The Manual includes easy to follow definitions, instructions, tracking forms and sample surveys. † (Ibid. ).CASE utilizes a system of fund accounting which measures accountability instead of profitability with the purpose of stewardship of financial resources received and expended in compliance with certain leg al requirements (NCSA). Financial reporting by CASE is directed at the public instead of investors and funds are established in order to ensure accountability and expenditure for designated purposes: restricted et assets versus unrestricted net assets (Ibid. ).Restricted assets can be classified as either temporary or permanently restricted assets (Ibid. ). A temporarily restricted net asset's use is restricted by the donor until a future event occurs (for example, CASE may have received a grant which terms are restricted to hiring a new volunteer supervisor), while a permanently restricted net asset includes assets that are controlled by outside parties as opposed to COCA'S control over the asset (for example, property donated to CASE as long as it is used in accordance with COCA'S mission and goals (Ibid. . Unrestricted net assets are funds whose assets have no external restriction as to use or purpose and can be expended for any purpose as long as they are spent in accordance wit h COCA'S mission and goals (Ibid. ). These internal tools assist CASE in its fundraising success by Justifying its costs in return for its effective performance of children's advocacy services.COCA'S Use of Cost-Benefit Analysis The National CASE Association surveys both the state organization and local programs to get an accurate reflection of the structure and operation of children advocacy programs across the country and, in 2013, the CASE network consisted of 51 organizations and local programs (The National CASE Association, 2013, p. 4). â€Å"The findings illustrated by these survey results are critically important to track the funding from diverse sources, and help The National CASE Association to better serve state and local organizations. (Ibid. ). Overview of COCA'S Cash Management and Investment Strategies As of December 31, 2013, COCA'S median total revenue was $134,790 and its median total expenses were $136,570 (â€Å"Annual Local Program Survey Report†, 2013, p. 11). The Annual Local Program Survey Report does not address COCA'S short and long term investment strategies. In total, CASE programs nationwide reported more than $300 million in revenue, more than half of which were received from public sources (Ibid. ).The median revenue and expenses of CASE tended to be fairly equal for the year ending 2013, with the median cost per volunteer being $3,170 and the median cost per child being $1 ,090 (Ibid. ). COCA'S expenses did not vary significantly from 2012 depending on the area served or the age of the program (Ibid. ). In 2013, over 80 percent of COCA'S programs reported a change in revenue with changes being fairly consistent across programs serving urban, rural and suburban mixed areas (Ibid. 13). Compared to COCA'S 2012 revenue, 34 percent of its programs reported a decrease in revenue, 49 percent reported an increase in revenue, and 17 percent of its programs reported no change in revenue (Ibid. P. 13). CASE experienced an increase of children served from 234,098 in 2012 to 238,527 in 2013, while at the same time seeing its number of volunteers fall below 2011 and 2012 levels, from over 77,000 to less than 75,000 (Ibid. ).The decrease in COCA'S volunteer staff is problematic in that CASE can anticipate not being able to provide the quantity and quality of services in order to accomplish its mission and goals. Assessment of COCA'S Overall Financial Condition Despite a 34 percent decrease in program revenues in 2013, CASE remains to have short term cash liquidity from the 49 percent reported increase in other programs' revenue, and a status quo of 17 percent of its programs who reported no change in revenue.CASE also appears to have the capacity to generate adequate revenues over sass's fiscal year budgetary period in order to satisfy expenditures without incurring a deficit. COCA'S service level has declined to a capacity that does not provide the laity and quantity of services rendered in years ending 2011 and 2012 due to the decrease in the number of its volunteers by 2,000. COCA'S Annual Local Program Survey Report 2013 does not address its short and long term investment strategy or outcome for the year ending 2013.The decrease in COCA'S volunteer staff is resulting adversely on the quantity and quality of its mission and goals. CASE should reallocate its short term fundraising resources into its long term efforts toward volunteer recruiting and training programs. This adjustment in short term goal funding will promote and advance the umber of volunteers required to sustain the longevity of the service provided by CASE 2011 and 2012. References Boles, B. (2013). Technology role in the nonprofit sector: increasing organizational effectiveness and efficiency through technology innovations.