Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Marketing Management 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing Management 4 - Essay Example Such a broad scope of functions and activities would be unfamiliar to people who handled the marketing side of companies in the past when nothing was expected of the marketing department other than producing sales brochures and executing advertising or promotional campaigns. The reason for this is the heightened level of complexity and competition in the business environment, with too many companies, too many products and too much marketing noise vying for customers’ attention. Thus, the product-driven marketing approach of old that generates a single sales transaction became impractical and was replaced by the customer-oriented approach, which strives to establish a long-term relationship with customers for repeated and continuing patronage (Kotler & Keller, 2006). A customer-focused marketing approach requires a range of activities that consists not only of market research and analysis, marketing strategy and implementation planning but also of organizational management and leadership and the setting up of efficient reporting, measurement, feedback and control systems (McKenna, 1991). The need for organizational management and leadership and for feedback-measurement-control systems is relevant to me, especially in my career plan to go into human resource management, since these particular marketing activities invariably call for proper handling of people. According to the literature, such organizational management and leadership require extensive interaction with the HR department on such issues as recruiting, training, leadership development, performance appraisals and compensation. Logically, the success of any marketing strategy depends on how well motivated and responsive are the people implementing it down the line. The same employee att itudes and dedication are important for the effectiveness of the monitoring system on the progress of the marketing program. There is an HR management tenet that says happy and contented

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