Monday, September 30, 2019

Preeclampsia Case Study

At 0600 Jennie is brought to the Labor and Delivery triage area by her sister. The client complains of a pounding headache for the last 12 hours unrelieved by acetaminophen (Tylenol), swollen hands and face for 2 days, and epigastric pain described as bad heartburn. Her sister tells the nurse, â€Å"I felt like that when I had toxemia during my pregnancy. † Admission assessment by the nurse reveals: today's weight 182 pounds, T 99. 1 ° F, P 76, R 22, BP 138/88, 4+ pitting edema, and 3+ protein in the urine. Heart rate is regular, and lung sounds are clear.Deep tendon reflexes (DTRs) are 3+ biceps and triceps and 4+ patellar with 1 beat of ankle clonus. The nurse applies the external fetal monitor, which shows a baseline fetal heart rate of 130, absent variability, positive for accelerations, no decelerations, and no contractions. The nurse also performs a vaginal examination and finds that the cervix is 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced, with the fetal head at a -2 station. 1. In reviewing Jennie's history, the nurse is correct in concluding that Jennie is in jeopardy of developing a hypertensive disorder because of her age (15).Which other factors add to Jennie's risk of developing preeclampsia? A)  Molar pregnancy, history of preeclampsia in previous pregnancy. INCORRECT While all of these are risk factors for preeclampsia, Jennie has no indications of a molar pregnancy (first trimester vaginal bleeding, size/date discrepancy, or excessive nausea and vomiting), nor has she had any previous pregnancies (gravida 1). B)  Gravidity, familial history. CORRECT Jennie is under 17 years of age, is pregnant for the 1st time, and has a sister with a history of toxemia, which is an old term for preeclampsia that some clients may still use.C)  History of pounding headache, low socioeconomic status. INCORRECT While age and low socioeconomic status (SES) are risk factors, Jennie's SES is unknown. A pounding headache is a symptom, not a risk factor. D)  Low soci oeconomic status (SES), history of pedal edema. INCORRECT Although age and low SES are risk factors, this client's SES is unknown. Pedal edema is common in pregnancy after 32-weeks. 2. To accurately assess this client's condition, what information from the prenatal record is most important for the nurse to obtain? A)  Pattern and number of prenatal visits. INCORRECTIt is important to have early and consistent prenatal care, but this information will not help in the assessment of this client's condition. B)  Prenatal blood pressure readings. CORRECT The client's BP (138/88) is below the guideline that indicates mild preeclampsia. Blood pressure parameters for mild preeclampsia include a reading of 140/90 taken on two occasions 6 hours apart. However, Jennie's reading is significant if it is an increase of 30 mm systolic or 15 mm diastolic from her prenatal levels, particularly in combination with proteinuria and hyperuricemia (uric acid of 6 mg/dl or more).Blood pressure usually remains the same during the first trimester. Both systolic and diastolic then decrease gradually up to 20-weeks gestation. At 20 weeks of gestation, the blood pressure begins to gradually increase and return to 1st trimester levels at term. C)  Prepregnancy weight. INCORRECT The nurse should compare today's weight to Jennie's most recently obtained previous weight, not to the prepregnancy weight. A weight gain of ;2 pounds per week is indicative of mild preeclampsia. D)  Jennie's Rh factor. INCORRECTWhile the Rh factor of the mother is important in determining the need for prophylactic Rh immune globulin (RhoGAM) at 28-weeks and after birth, it is not the most important information at this time. All Rh negative women with negative Coomb's tests are given RhoGam prophylactically at 28-weeks, and then evaluated immediately after birth to determine if another dose of RhoGam is needed. Pathophysiology of Preeclampsia There is no definitive cause of preeclampsia, but the pathophysiol ogy is distinct. The main pathogenic factor is poor perfusion as a result of arteriolar vasospasm.Function in organs such as the placenta, liver, brain, and kidneys can be depressed as much as 40 to 60%. As fluid shifts out of the intravascular compartment, a decrease in plasma volume and subsequent increase in hematocrit is seen. The edema of preeclampsia is generalized. Virtually all organ systems are affected by this disease, and the mother and fetus suffer increasing risk as the disease progresses. Preeclampsia develops after 20 weeks gestation in a previously normotensive woman. Elevated blood pressure is frequently the first sign of preeclampsia.The client also develops proteinuria. While no longer considered a diagnostic measurement of preeclampsia, generalized edema of the face, hands, and abdomen that is not responsive to 12 hours of bedrest is often present. Preeclampsia progresses along a continuum from mild to severe preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome, or eclampsia. A client m ay present to the labor unit anywhere along that continuum. 3. What is the pathophysiology responsible for Jennie's complaint of a pounding headache and the elevated DTRs? A)  Cerebral edema. CORRECTAs fluid leaks into the extravascular spaces, organ edema as well as peripheral edema occurs. This, in conjunction with cortical brain spasms, causes headache, increased deep tendon reflexes, and clonus. B)  Increased perfusion to the brain. INCORRECT The hypovolemia that accompanies preeclampsia decreases perfusion to the major organs. C)  Severe anxiety. INCORRECT While Jennie may be very anxious, this is not the pathophysiology involved. D)  Retinal arteriolar spasms. INCORRECT These spasms are the cause of blurred vision and scotoma that often accompany worsening of the disease.Jennie's sister is very concerned about the swelling (edema) in her sister's face and hands because it seems to be worsening rapidly. She asks the nurse if the healthcare provider will prescribe some o f â€Å"those water pills† (diuretics) to help get rid of the excess fluid. 4. Which response by the nurse is correct? A)  Ã¢â‚¬Å"That is a very good idea. I will relay it to the healthcare provider when I call. † INCORRECT Although it is caring to offer to relay family concerns to the healthcare provider, the physician will make the decision on treatment.B)  Ã¢â‚¬Å"I'm sorry, but it is not the family's place to make suggestions about medical treatment. † INCORRECT While it is not inappropiate for family members to make suggestions, this answer is not sensitive to the sister's desire to help Jennie. C)  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Let me explain to you about the effect of diuretics on pregnancy. † CORRECT The sister may have seen diuretics used for treating fluid retention before (for example, in cardiac disease), but may not be aware of how diuretics affect pregnancy. Diuretics decrease blood flow to the placenta by decreasing blood volume.In the case of the preeclamptic client, this is particularly dangerous because the disease has already caused a volume deficit. In addition, the diuretics disrupt normal electrolyte balance and stress kidneys that are already compromised by preeclampsia. The only time they are used is if the preeclamptic client also has heart failure, but this client has no symptoms of heart failure. D)  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Have you by any chance given your sister water pills that belong to someone else? † INCORRECT This could be construed as hostile and accusatory.If the nurse believes further assessment is warranted, the nurse should ask Jennie about any medication she has taken. Admission to the Labor and Delivery Unit At 0630 the nurse calls to report to the healthcare provider, who prescribes the following: admit to labor and delivery, bedrest with bathroom privileges (BRP), IV D5LR at 125 ml/hr, CBC with platelets, clotting studies, liver enzymes, chemistry panel, 24-hour urine collection for protein and uric acid, ice chips only by mouth, nonstress test, hourly vital signs, and DTRs. 5.While awaiting the lab results, which nursing intervention has the highest priority? A)  Teach Jennie the rationale for bedrest. INCORRECT While this is important, it does not have the highest priority. B)  Monitor Jennie for signs of dehydration. INCORRECT This is important because the client is restricted to ice chips only and may already be hypovolemic. However, it is not the highest priority. C)  Educate the client about dietary restrictions. INCORRECT Since Jennie is currently taking ice chips only, this is not the most important intervention at this time. D)  Observe Jennie for CNS changes.CORRECT Central Nervous System (CNS) changes such as severe headache, blurred vision, scotoma (spots before eyes), and photophobia indicate a worsening condition. 6. Which technique should the nurse use when evaluating Jennie's blood pressure while she is on bedrest? A)  Have Jennie lay supine and take the blood pressure on the left arm. INCORRECT The pregnant client should not lie in the supine position because it puts her at risk for vena cava compression and subsequent supine hypotensive syndrome. B)  Have Jennie lie in a lateral position and take the blood pressure on the dependent arm.CORRECT The lateral position supports placental perfusion. The lower (dependent) arm should be positioned so the client is not lying on it, and the blood pressure should be taken in that arm. This more closely approximates arterial pressure. Using the arm on the opposite (upper) side will falsely reduce the measurement. C)  Have the client sit in a chair at the bedside, and take the blood pressure with her left arm at waist level. INCORRECT While sitting is an appropriate position, the arm should be resting on a surface at heart level.In addition, Jennie is on bedrest with bathroom privileges, which does not include sitting up in a chair. D)  Have Jennie stand briefly and take the blood pressure on the right a rm. INCORRECT A standing blood pressure does not provide the most valid reading. In addition, Jennie is on bedrest with bathroom privileges, which does not include standing at the bedside. The nurse performs a nonstress test to evaluate fetal well-being. 7. When performing a nonstress test (NST), the nurse will be assessing for which parameters? A)  Accelerations of the fetal heart rate in response to fetal movement. CORRECTThe basis for the nonstress test is that the normal fetus with an intact CNS will respond to fetal movements by increasing its heart rate (episodic accelerations). A reactive test is one in which the fetus displays at least 2 accelerations of 15 beats per minute that last for 15 seconds in a 20-minute period in the presence of a normal baseline rate and moderate variability. B)  Late decelerations of the fetal heart rate in response to fetal movement. INCORRECT Late decelerations are a sign of uteroplacental insufficiency, and are assessed for in response to uterine contractions, not fetal movement.C)  Accelerations of the fetal heart rate in response to uterine contractions. INCORRECT Accelerations that occur with contractions (periodic accelerations) are usually linked to breech presentations, and are not the basis for the nonstress test. D)  Late decelerations of the fetal heart rate in response to uterine contractions. INCORRECT Late decelerations in response to uterine contractions are the basis for the contraction stress test. HELLP Syndrome At 0800, physical assessment and labs reveal the following: the client is still complaining of a headache but the epigastric pain has slightly decreased.While resting in a left lateral position, the vital signs are BP 146/94, P 75, R 18. Hyperreflexia continues with one beat of clonus. The baseline fetal heart rate is 140 with moderate variability and no decelerations. Since completion of a reactive nonstress test, no further accelerations have occurred. Lab results include: hemoglobin â⠂¬â€œ 13. 1 g/dl, hematocrit – 40. 5 g/dl, platelets – 120,000 mm3, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) – slightly elevated, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) – normal for pregnancy, 0 burr cells on slide, clotting studies normal for pregnancy.The healthcare provider diagnoses Jennie with preeclampsia rather than HELLP syndrome, a variant of severe preeclampsia. 8. If Jennie had HELLP syndrome, which lab results would the nurse expect her to exhibit? A)  Elevated hemoglobin and hematocrit (H&H) without burr cells, elevated liver enzymes, platelet count >150,000 mm3. INCORRECT Elevated H&H without burr cells and platelets >150,000 mm3  are not indicative of HELLP syndrome. B)  Decreased hemoglobin and hematocrit (H&H) with burr cells, elevated liver enzymes, platelet count

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Frostbite Chapter 17

Seventeen WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE doing?† she demanded. Her voice was still too loud as far as I was concerned. â€Å"Nothing, I- â€Å" â€Å"Excuse us, Lord Ivashkov,† she growled. Then, like I was five years old, she grabbed me by my arm and jerked me out of the room. Champagne sloshed out of my glass and splashed onto the skirt of my dress. â€Å"What do you think you're doing?† I exclaimed, once we were out in the hall. Mournfully, I looked down at my dress. â€Å"This is silk. You could have ruined it.† She grabbed the champagne flute and set it down on a nearby table. â€Å"Good. Maybe it'll stop you from dressing up like a cheap whore.† â€Å"Whoa,† I said, shocked. â€Å"That's kind of harsh. And where do you get off turning motherly all of a sudden?† I gestured to the dress. â€Å"This isn't exactly cheap. You thought it was nice of Tasha to give it to me.† â€Å"That's because I didn't expect you to wear it out with Moroi and make a spectacle of yourself.† â€Å"I'm not making a spectacle of myself. And anyway, it covers everything up.† â€Å"A dress that tight might as well be showing everything,† she retorted. She, of course, was dressed in guardian black: tailored black linen pants and a matching blazer. She had a few curves of her own, but the clothing hid them. â€Å"Especially when you're with a group like that. Your body's†¦conspicuous. And flirting with Moroi doesn't really help.† â€Å"I wasn't flirting with him.† The accusation made me angry because I felt I'd been on really good behavior lately. I used to flirt all the time- and do other things- with Moroi guys, but after a few talks and one embarrassing incident with Dimitri, I'd realized how stupid that was. Dhampir girls did have to be careful with Moroi guys, and I kept that in mind all the time now. Something petty occurred to me. â€Å"Besides,† I said mockingly, â€Å"isn't that what I'm supposed to do? Hook up with a Moroi and further my race? It's what you did.† She glowered. â€Å"Not when I was your age.† â€Å"You were only a few years older than me.† â€Å"Don't do anything stupid, Rose,† she said. â€Å"You're too young for a baby. You don't have the life experience for it- you haven't even lived your own life yet. You won't be able to do the kind of job you wish you could.† I groaned, mortified. â€Å"Are we really even discussing this? How did we go from me allegedly flirting to suddenly having a litter? I'm not having sex with him or anyone else, and even if I were, I know about birth control. Why are you talking to me like I'm a child?† â€Å"Because you act like one.† It was remarkably like what Dimitri had told me. I glared. â€Å"So you're going to send me to my room now?† â€Å"No, Rose.† She suddenly looked tired. â€Å"You don't have to go to your room, but don't go back in there, either. Hopefully you didn't draw too much attention.† â€Å"You make it sound like I was giving a lap dance in there,† I told her. â€Å"I just had dinner with Lissa.† â€Å"You'd be surprised what things can spark rumors,† she warned. â€Å"Especially with Adrian Ivashkov.† With that, she turned and headed off down the hall. Watching her, I felt anger and resentment burn through me. Overreact much? I hadn't done anything wrong. I knew she had her whole blood-whore paranoia, but this was extreme, even for her. Worst of all, she'd dragged me out of there, and several people had witnessed it. For someone who supposedly didn't want me attracting attention, she'd kind of messed that one up. A couple of Moroi who'd been standing near Adrian and me walked out of the room. They glanced in my direction and then whispered something as they passed. â€Å"Thanks, Mom,† I muttered to myself. Humiliated, I stalked off in the opposite direction, not really sure where I was going. I headed out toward the back of the lodge, away from all the activity. The hall eventually ended, but a door leading to some stairs sat on the left. The door was unlocked, so I followed the stairs upward to another door. To my pleasure, it opened up onto a small rooftop deck that didn't appear to see much use. A blanket of snow lay over it all, but it was early morning out here, and the sun shone brightly, making everything glitter. I brushed snow off of a large, box-like object that looked to be part of the ventilation system. Heedless of my dress, I sat down on it. Wrapping my arms around myself, I stared off, taking in the view and the sun I rarely got to enjoy. I was startled when the door opened a few minutes later. When I looked back I was even more startled still to see Dimitri emerge. My heart gave a small flutter, and I turned away, unsure what to think. His boots crunched in the snow as he walked over to where I was sitting. A moment later, he took off his long coat and draped it over my shoulders. He sat down beside me. â€Å"You must be freezing.† I was, but I didn't want to admit it. â€Å"The sun's out.† He tipped his head back, looking up at the perfect blue sky. I knew he missed the sun as much as I did sometimes. â€Å"It is. But we're still on a mountain in the middle of winter.† I didn't answer. We sat there in a comfortable silence for a while. Occasionally, a light wind blew clouds of snow around. It was night for Moroi, and most would be going to bed soon, so the ski runs were quiet. â€Å"My life is a disaster,† I finally said. â€Å"It's not a disaster,† he said automatically. â€Å"Did you follow me from the party?† â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"I didn't even know you were there.† His dark clothes indicated he must have been on guardian duty at the party. â€Å"So you saw the illustrious Janine cause a commotion by dragging me out.† â€Å"It wasn't a commotion. Hardly anyone noticed. I saw because I was watching you.† I refused to let myself get excited over that. â€Å"That's not what she said,† I told him. â€Å"I might as well have been working a corner as far as she was concerned.† I relayed the conversation from the hallway. â€Å"She's just worried about you,† Dimitri said when I finished. â€Å"She overreacted.† â€Å"Sometimes mothers are overprotective.† I stared at him. â€Å"Yeah, but this is my mother. And she didn't seem that protective, really. I think she was more worried I'd embarrass her or something. And all that becoming-a-mother-too-young stuff was stupid. I'm not going to do anything like that.† â€Å"Maybe she wasn't talking about you,† he said. More silence. My jaw fell open. You don't have the life experience for it- you haven't even lived your own life yet. You won't be able to do the kind of job you wish you could. My mom had been twenty when I was born. Growing up, that had always seemed really old to me. But now†¦that was only a few years off for me. Not old at all. Did she think she'd had me too soon? Had she done a shoddy job raising me simply because she didn't know any better at the time? Did she regret the way things had turned out between us? And was it†¦ was it maybe possible that she'd had some personal experience of her own with Moroi men and people spreading rumors about her? I had inherited a lot of her features. I mean, I'd even noticed tonight what a nice figure she had. She had a pretty face, too- for a nearly forty-year-old, I mean. She'd probably been really, really good-looking when she was younger†¦. I sighed. I didn't want to think about that. If I did, I might have to reevaluate my relationship with her- maybe even acknowledge my mother as a real person- and I already had too many relationships stressing me. Lissa always worried me, even though she seemed to be okay for a change. My so-called romance with Mason was in shambles. And then, of course, there was Dimitri†¦. â€Å"We aren't fighting right now.† I blurted out. He gave me a sidelong look. â€Å"Do you want to fight?† â€Å"No. I hate fighting with you. Verbally, I mean. I don't mind in the gym.† I thought I detected the hint of a smile. Always a half-smile for me. Rarely a full one. â€Å"I don't like fighting with you either.† Sitting next to him there, I marveled at the warm and happy emotions springing up inside of me. There was something about being around him that felt so good, that moved me in a way Mason couldn't. You can't force love, I realized. It's there or it isn't. If it's not there, you've got to be able to admit it. If it is there, you've got to do whatever it takes to protect the ones you love. The next words that came out of my mouth astonished me, both because they were completely unselfish and because I actually meant them. â€Å"You should take it.† He flinched. â€Å"What?† â€Å"Tasha's offer. You should take her up on it. It's a really great chance.† I remembered my mom's words about being ready for children. I wasn't. Maybe she hadn't been. But Tasha was. And I knew Dimitri was too. They got along really well. He could go be her guardian, have some kids with her †¦ it would be a good deal for both of them. â€Å"I never expected to hear you say anything like that,† he told me, voice tight. â€Å"Especially after- â€Å" â€Å"What a bitch I've been? Yeah.† I tugged his coat tighter against the cold. It smelled like him. It was intoxicating, and I could half-imagine being wrapped in his embrace. Adrian might have been onto something about the power of scent. â€Å"Well. Like I said, I don't want to fight anymore. I don't want us to hate each other. And†¦well †¦Ã¢â‚¬  I squeezed my eyes shut and then opened them. â€Å"No matter how I feel about us †¦ I want you to be happy.† Silence yet again. I noticed then that my chest hurt. Dimitri reached out and put his arm around me. He pulled me to him, and I rested my head on his chest. â€Å"Roza,† was all he said. It was the first time he'd really touched me since the night of the lust charm. The practice room had been something different †¦ more animal. This wasn't even about sex. It was just about being close to someone you cared about, about the emotion that kind of connection flooded you with. Dimitri might run off with Tasha, but I would still love him. I would probably always love him. I cared about Mason. But I would probably never love him. I sighed into Dimitri, just wishing I could stay like that forever. It felt right being with him. And- no matter how much the thought of him and Tasha made me ache- doing what was best for him felt right. Now, I knew, it was time to stop being a coward and do something else that was right. Mason had said I needed to learn something about myself. I just had. Reluctantly, I pulled away and handed Dimitri his coat. I stood up. He regarded me curiously, sensing my unease. â€Å"Where you going?† he asked. â€Å"To break someone's heart,† I replied. I admired Dimitri for a heartbeat more- the dark, knowing eyes and silken hair. Then I headed inside. I had to apologize to Mason†¦and tell him there'd never be anything between us.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

International baccalaureate primary-year-program Essay

International baccalaureate primary-year-program - Essay Example My first very exposure to the curriculum of International Baccalaureate was at an information morning, when I was a part of a seminar held in a good infrastructure school in the suburbs of Mumbai, India. Currently, I have an experience in an IB school, teaching the PYP: thanks to my education. The International Baccalaureate (IB), formerly known as the International Baccalaureate Organization, is a nonprofit institution which provides educational products to the international community. Founded in 1968 in Switzerland, IB's original mission was to provide curriculum to schools; catering for children of Western diplomats who traveled frequently. The idea was to keep the curriculum consistent between schools in order to serve the needs of these students as they moved from one country to another. Today, the organization administers three programs, which are available for purchase by interested schools. The three programs of the IB schools are as follows: Primary Years Program(PYP) founde d in September 1997 caters 3 – 12 years Middle Years program(MYP) introduced in 1994 caters 11 – 16 years Diploma Program ( IBDP) introduced in 1969 caters to 16 – 19 years I chose the IB PYP board as I was impressed by the breadth of study, the potential for individual choice, the opportunity to develop and follow my passion as stated early on and the inclusion of CAS (creativity, action and service). With respect to this module and my experience, IB PYP has really taken full of my attention. I hope I will be able to instill my essence of thoughts on paper and do proper justice to this module without being too bias or critical. Key words: Curriculum, International Baccalaureate Primary year program(IB PYP). Introduction The International Baccalaureate Primary Year Program is one of the many educational programs of the International Baccalaureate (IB) system. The program caters for students who are 3 to 11 years of age. Its primary goal is to prepare the student s for the middle year’s program of the IB system ( 2009). Like any IB program the primary year program was carried out in order to enhance the skills of young children to make them knowledgeable, caring and inquiring. The primary goal of the program was to produce young people who have intercultural understanding and respect so that they will be able to help create a better and peaceful world. This goal was to be achieved because the program was a transnational program that inculcated the cultures and background of several nations and people without any discrimination whatsoever. Another goal of the program is to produce students who understand the differences of other people. These students will be encouraged to become active, compassionate, and lifelong learners. Â  There are ten traits that the Primary years program (PYP) aims to enhance or develop and these are:Â  Inquirers, Knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, Risk takers, bal anced, and reflective. As said early on, the International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programs of international education and rigorous assessment. These programs encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right. But how effective is the PYP? Have the aims and purposes of the PYP program really been achieved in practice? Are there theories or studies that support the efficacy of the PYP program? This essay evaluates and analyzes the aims and purposes of the PYP program and how likely these programs are achieved in pract

Friday, September 27, 2019

Sales Management Practices at Shield Financial Assignment

Sales Management Practices at Shield Financial - Assignment Example In any service or industrial sector, no company can enjoy monopoly; competition always exists. Shield Financial has a major competitor named All-Safe which follows fairly good practices, and Shield Financial also designs and re-designs its products and sales practices in order to compete in a healthy manner. From the case, we have seen that Shield Financial has changed its direction a little in order to stay updated in the competition. Previously, it has always focused on small to medium accounts for generating income, but this time the goal is to target bigger accounts. Focusing on bigger accounts is a challenging task because the sales representatives and managers are quite used to dealing with the small and medium account holders. Shield Financial has named this new approach as the First Plus program. The management practices at Shield Financial are strictly resulted oriented. The senior managers want to achieve the outcomes of the goals they plan out for the company. In the resul t oriented approach, the management determines priorities and ensures that the employees have adequate resources available such as workforce, capacity, and infrastructure. The employees, on the other hand, are given the authority to take personal responsibility for achieving the goals laid down by the senior management. They have to plan out their time, talent and knowledge so that they can deliver results as per the expectations of the management. In our given case, the CEO holds the philosophy that if the employees keep on adding numbers, everything else will take care of itself, meaning if the sales in figures keep coming in, everything will run smoothly. By following the result oriented approach, the management set out the goals for the sales managers to promote the First Plus program as a means to earn revenue. Managers including Doug Bloom find the task challenging because it is difficult to redirect the efforts of the sales staff to just one initiative when they are already w orking hard on their previously set targets. Serving as a sales representative for over four years, Doug Bloom understands that the sales staff will not be happy with the job of taking hold of larger accounts because small accounts are easy to handle and have commission tied up with them too. Furthermore, sales representatives will show clear resentment when the new goal from the corporate would be presented to them. Some might even fail to adopt and resign, so Doug will have to use management skills (such as motivation, encouragement, or non-monetary rewards) to achieve consent and results from his team. This might be a great problem for Doug who is new at the management position.  Ã‚  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Discussion 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Discussion 7 - Essay Example A number of experimental research designs are available for use in general social research (Srinagesh). A quasi-experimental study is a type of experiment that examines outcomes. However, they do not involve randomly assigning participants to treatment and control groups. A quasi experiment study might compare outcomes for individuals receiving program activities with outcomes for a similar group of individuals not receiving program activities. This type of study might compare outcomes for one group of individuals before and after the group’s involvement in a program. Quasi experimental designs are very useful because of their ability to inform the discussions of cause and effect; however, unlike other experimental approaches such as true experimental studies, they cannot definitively establish this link (Creswell). In this discussion two articles are used one using the experimental approach and the other using the quasi experimental approach. In the first article titled Learning social studies through mastery approach. The study involved two groups the experiment group and the control group. There were two independent variables in this case and they include: mastery learning strategy and conventional strategy. The dependent variable was only one and this was performance in social studies (Adeyemi). In the second article titled an analysis of the interactive behaviors of self-learning management in a web-based Moodle e-learning platform. The independent variables in this case were the Moodle learning platform and the traditional instruction. The dependent variables included obtaining the basic energy concept, submission of homework through the homework section and submission of project reports through homework section (Liao and Lin). In the first article, treatment involved the researcher obtaining course contents in social studies. These were then formed into one

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

World Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

World Literature - Essay Example Set in Corinth in Greece, the whole play is enacted in a single scene in front of Medea's house. The nurse and chorus act as conscious-keepers of Medea and the attenders and messengers are employed by the playwright to depict scene shifts through their speech. In fact, the very opening of the play sets the tone of the horrific nature of events to follow. With a voice of doom of one of the nurses of Medea clearly indicates that her mistress, a victim of fate, is out to contrive some untoward scheme. The nurse acts as a foreteller of deeds to ensue. Through her speech we learn how in love she was with Jason and how her dangerous mood was capable of so much anger evil. "There is a subtle but fascinating theme of ethnic tension as Medea and Jason clash" (Mazza, Michael J) throughout the play. Medea lies fasting and weeping ever since she learnt that she was wronged by her husband, recalling memories of her dear father, her country and her home, which she gave up to come away with the man who now holds her in dishonor. Medea had antagonized her father and even killed her own brother in order to run away from a barbarious land to a land of promise along with Jason whom she blindly loves. "My love for you was greater than my wisdom" (lines 571-72) she says. After a series of adventures in which Jason is helped by Medea, they seek asylum in Corinth. Here they lead a respectable life and beget two children till they almost reach their middle age. Trouble brews when Jason gets restless with his complacent life. He wants a secure, wealthy future for his wife and children and hence resorts to infidelity. He wins the heart of Glauce, the daughter of Creon, king of Corinth. He tells Medea that it was not for love that he had promised to marry the princess, but to win wealth and power for himself and his sons. But Medea is infuriated and her unfailing love immediately turns to sheer anger. In a sense, it is Medea's own nature and vicious temper that proves her undoing. "Women don't like violence, but when their husbands desert them, that is different. In life, the worst disasters come from passion" (lines 467-69) Medea gets into a constant state of confusion and anxiety. Initially she weeps over her hapless situation. She feels women are most wretched because they care for one man only. But she gains a little confidence when Aegeus, King of Athens grants her asylum in exchange for helping him beget children by her skills in sorcery. Aegeus realizes that her scorn is justified and sees her as a woman with remarkable forethought. "A brain like yours is what is needed" he says. He fully believes in her powers of creation which is equal to her powers of destruction, which is why he uses her witchcraft to make his queen beget children. With the success of each scheme Medea devises, her resolve hardens and reaches a point of no return. "One can clearly trace the progression within the play of a victim with certain heroic traits who, because of her ill fate and her ruthlessness, becomes a villain" (Kliegl, Michael) Deciding to take her plans forward, she manages to buy a day's time from Creon befor e she is sent on exile. Creon's fate is sealed even though he knows that Medea is "A clever woman, very experienced in evil ways" (lines

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Methodology Review Form Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Methodology Review Form - Research Paper Example This is a defining trait of a crisis for other authors (Hoff, 2001; Boi, 2005; Laws, Prideaux & Chon, 2007), but apparently not for Fink, whose definition focuses on the impacts rather than the causes of the crisis situation. In many instances, crises are so characterised not because they are unforeseen, but that they are foreseen (or at least foreseeable) and are historically and statistically deemed so unlikely to happen that precautionary and preventive measures against them are overlooked (Loveridge, 2009; Daft & Marcic, 2011). In defining the research problem, it became apparent that the threat of impending crises (i.e., crises that are unlikely but may eventually happen) face all organisations, whatever their objectives or scope of operations, in varied ways as to threaten their continue existence. Consequently, some form of crisis management is needed by all organisations in order to contain the effects of crisis incidents. In defining a manageable research problem, therefore, it become necessary to delimit the particular crises and the organisations whose crisis management responses are to be assessed, in order for this research to arrive at meaningful, properly contextualised, findings. In the course of the literature review, the necessity for the enhancement of crisis planning, prevention, assessment, and mitigation for the oil and gas industry

Monday, September 23, 2019

Society (Immigration) U.S Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Society (Immigration) U.S - Movie Review Example Avalon’s journey begins with a polish-Jewish family, laced up with strong family ties and attachment for almost every reason like love, respect, care and integrity. (Gustafson, 2004) Krachinsky’s clan moved to America and settled in Baltimore in 1914 with hopes and spirit to earn pleasure and harmony, wanted to experience the wonders of America and it limitless possibilities but unfortunately they faced unpleasant changes in their strong family network and no longer remained compassionate about their deep traditional roots. They multiplied into generations and got success in their financial statuses but faced some heartbreaking problems when their 2nd and 3rd generation moved away from family bounding and pursued for American ideology. Krachinsky brought along their fine cultural, traditional and religious values which were later eroded by the strong social forces and were replaced by the modernize American Culture. (Paul Haspel, 2008) The story revolves around three ma in changes that the family suffered through, firstly when the family started moving to suburbs, Secondly Levinson emphasized on the get together with the extended families on special days like thanksgiving or church days, was no longer practiced or enjoyed together on a long dinner table in fact, gradually shrunk to small tables after the arrival of television, Third and the main point was that the succeeding generation started replacing their family names. The youth was driven slowly and gradually into cultural assimilation where they forgot their roots and traditional practices and ran for the charisma that the American Society carries. The limelight of fast pace American life has always attracted people regardless of their beliefs. This is what impressed Sam when he first stepped in America and saw the biggest and brightest celebrations and he realized that he made the right decision. Later he was proven wrong when he experienced the harsh attitudes from his own son and his wife. Levinson has brilliantly pictured the generation gap with all its components like adaptation of new technological advancements, upgrading lifestyles by moving to suburbs and doing a white collar jobs, replacement of their own sir names and keeping American names. (Haspel, 2008) The detoriation of cultural heritage effected and poisoned Sam gradually and ultimately when he finally saw his grandson visiting him in old home. It is about all immigrants who face such issues like language difference, religious difference and on the whole color differences. Whatever the picture, media and Hollywood presents, the problems that immigrants from all around the world face remains there but they have no direct way to popularize it therefore the world accept the picture which is neatly painted by the American media that how immigrants have successfully accomplished in America, ignoring the fact that they have sacrificed their precious norms in terms of their moral, religious and cultural values to get this materialistic improvement in life. There is no doubt that American land is charismatic, full of glitz and glam but at the same time it heavily lacks family life and discipline of human life which can never lose its essence no matter how much we progress and achieve in our life. Levinson developed an awesome piece with a

Sunday, September 22, 2019

INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONAL CASE STUDY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONAL - Case Study Example The culture of Chinese demands them to take tea as opposed to coffee and this proved to be the first cultural challenge for Nestle. Their culture demands strict trust before conducting businesses with foreigners (Allen, 2009). The trust is earned through complying with their culture, demands and offering them gifts time and again. This proved to be quite a challenge for the company and especially the adoption of Chinese culture in its business. The gift part was against their code of conduct and especially because it was seen as a form of corruption (Hanson and Rothlin, 2010). The code of ethics and conduct of the Nestle Company had to be changed to adopt and accommodate the cultures of the Chinese people or the company would lack support and hence have to move base of operation to another country. China was just starting to succeed and hence Nestle wanted to create a strong base and outdo its competitors. Culture of China demanded that majority of the management of the company had to comprise of Chinese people. This therefore meant a complete change in administrative process as the managers in some positions had to be removed and taken to head other branches in other nations. This process was not only costly but took time to enforce hence delaying the process of Nestle establishing its market niche in the country. China’s cultural demands which need to be enforced made a mockery of the administrative processes and procedures of the company (Sun, 2012). The cultural demands made the company have ultimatums of carrying out changes and the administrators were reduced to mere puppets. With the many cultural demands which were being led by the government agencies, the company’s administration faced leadership challenges and internal conflicts. The administration eventually in order to comply with the ever growing cultural demands had to fully change from their norm

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Introduction of Shipping Containers Essay Example for Free

Introduction of Shipping Containers Essay Until the 1960s, shipping had not changed much in decades. Handling cargo was a labor-intensive activity, and transportation costs and times—whether by land or by sea—were huge obstacles to trade, often making transcontinental, let alone global, and trade economically unfeasible. However something happened that changed that. That was the invention of the shipping container. The birth of the shipping container dates back to April 26, 1956 when a crane lifted fifty-eight aluminum truck bodies aboard an a ship called the Ideal-X docked in Newark, New Jersey. Five days later, the ship sailed in Houston, where fifty- eight trucks waited to take on the metal boxes and take them to their destinations. This heralded the beginning of a new era. Decades have passed since that fateful day which changed the world. Today we live in a globalized world so it is very difficult for us to even imagine the extent to which the container changed the world. In 1956, China was not the worlds workshop. It was not common to find Japanese electronics and cars in the middle of Dhaka. Western apparel brands didn’t have their products manufactured in Bangladesh either. Before the advent of the container, transporting goods was expensive. So expensive that it did not pay to ship many things halfway across the country, much less halfway around the world. The introduction of the container had an enormous impact upon the world’s economy. The masses of poorly paid workers who once made their livings loading and unloading ships ended up losing their jobs. Cities that had been centers of maritime commerce for ages, such as New York and Liverpool, saw their harbors decline due to them being unsuited to the container trade. Merchant sailors, who had sailed out to see the world, had their traditional days-long shore leave in exotic harbors replaced by a few hours ashore at a remote parking lot for containers, their vessel ready to weigh anchor the instant the high-speed cranes finished putting huge metal boxes off and on the ship. But even as it helped destroy the old economy, the container helped build a new one. Harbors such as Busan and Seattle moved into the front ranks of the worlds ports, and massive new ports were built in places like Felixstowe, in England, and Tanjung Pelepas, in Malaysia. Small towns, far away from the cities, could take advantage of their cheap land and low wages to attracted factories freed from the need to be near a port to enjoy cheap transportation. Extensive industrial complexes where thousands of workers manufactured products from start to finish gave way to smaller, more specialized plants that shipped components and half-finished goods to one another in ever lengthening supply chains. Poor countries, desperate for economic development, could realistically dream of becoming suppliers to wealthy countries far away. Huge industrial complexes were built in places Los Angeles and Hong Kong, only because the cost of bringing raw materials in and sending finished goods dropped extensively. The container made shipping cheap, and by doing so changed the economic geography of the world. It was now easier than ever before to transport goods all over the world. Goods could now be manufactured anywhere and sold anywhere. Thanks to the container the world had become a smaller place. This new economic geography allowed firms whose ambitions had been purely domestic to become international companies, allowing them to export their products and selling them abroad almost as effortlessly as selling them nearby. Those who had no desire to go international learned that they had no choice. Whether they liked it or not, they were competing globally because the global market was coming to them. High shipping costs no longer offered protection to high-cost producers whose biggest advantage was being geographically close to their customers. Even with customs duties and time delays, factories in Malaysia could deliver blouses to Macys in Herald Square more cheaply than could blouse manufacturers in the nearby lofts of New Yorks garment district. The world was full of small manufacturers selling locally in 1956 but by the end of the twentieth century, purely local markets for goods of any sort were extremely rare. The container as useful as it was to facilitating economic growth was not warmly received by the workers. The workers, as consumers gained plenty due to the container. They enjoyed infinitely more choices thanks to the global trade stimulated by the consumer. The increased trade brought about an increased level of competition which held prices down. Consumers all over the world enjoyed higher living standards due to the ready availability of inexpensive imported consumer goods. However as wage earners the workers weren’t too receptive of containers. In the years after World War II, wartime devastation created vast demand while low levels of international trade kept competitive forces under control. In this exceptional environment, workers and trade unions in North America, Western Europe, and Japan were able to egotiate nearly continuous improvements in wages and benefits, while government programs provided ever stronger safety nets. The workweek grew shorter, disability pay was made more generous, and retirement at sixty or sixty-two became the norm. The container helped bring an end to that unprecedented advance. Low shipping costs helped make capital even more mobile, increasing the bargaining power of employers against their far less mobile workers. In this highly integrated world economy, the pay of workers in Dhaka sets limits on wages in New York. For manufacturers it became more preferable to manufacture abroad in underdeveloped countries as pay and work place standards are low in underdeveloped countries. How much the container matters to the world economy is impossible to quantify. In the ideal world, we would like to know how much it cost to send one thousand mens shirts from Dhaka to Toronto in 1955, and to track how that cost changed as containerization came into use. Such data do not exist, but it seems clear that the container brought sweeping reductions in the cost of moving freight. From a ship carrying a few dozen containers that would not fit on any other vessel, container shipping matured into a highly automated, highly standardized industry on a global scale. An enormous containership can be loaded with a minute fraction of the labor and time required to handle a small conventional ship half a century ago. A few crew members can manage the entire vessel. A trucker can deposit a trailer at a customers loading dock, hook up another trailer, and drive on immediately, rather than watching his expensive rig stand idle while the contents are removed. All of those changes are consequences of the container revolution. Transportation has become so efficient that for many purposes, freight costs do not much effect economic decisions. Containerization has without a doubt changed the world. It has caused time-space compression that has greatly impacted economic geography. Places far away could now transfer all kinds of goods between them due to shipping containers. In simple words it has made the world a smaller place.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Separation Anxiety Disorder Symptoms and Treatment

Separation Anxiety Disorder Symptoms and Treatment In this proposal we will be discussing on anxiety disorder and a treatment on the client based on a case study. In current era, the most common psychiatric illnesses affecting both children and adults are anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorder is a serious mental illness. Those who are affected with this disorder are most likely to have the feelings of excessively frightened, distressed, or uneasy during situation in which most other people would not experience the same feelings. Besides, this disorder is composes of various type of disorder such as panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder, specific phobias, separation anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder (Ken Duckworth, 2012). There are several causes for this disorder such as environmental factors, medical factors, genetics, brain chemistry, substance abuse, or a combination of these (Crosta, 2009). If a person who is experiencing this disorder, they are most li kely to exhibit several symptoms such as the feeling of excessive fear, obsessive thoughts, nightmares, problem sleeping, shortness of breath, nausea, muscle tension and dizziness (Katz, 2012). However, these symptoms vary depending on the type of disorder. In this particular case study, we will be looking in depth on separation anxiety disorder. This disorder will affect both a person in any stages of life from childhood to adolescence and even adulthood. Besides, if one is diagnosed with this disorder, they might pose several symptoms such as trouble sleeping when separated from a specific person, excessive worry about losing major attachment figures and repeated nightmares involving the theme of separation. Client description Client is a female, age 50. She is a retired housewife. She does not have any medical history or psychological disorder in her first degree relative. Client is also very attached to her husband. Whenever her husband would take her out for a meal or a trip out, she would become excessively distress and worry that something might happen to her husband and fear that she might lose her husband in the event of an accident or some disaster that might fall upon her husband. Besides, whenever her husband have to make business trips and will be away for a few days, she would find it very difficult to sleep. Her excessively distress and fear of losing her husband has cause the married couple housebound. In addition her extreme inactivity had also left her physically weak as well as emotionally withdrawn. The reason she came to seek help from the counselor is that she fear her current situation is jeopardizing her relationship with her husband. Counselor’s analysis and assessment on the client’s condition The new DSM-5 (2013) has proposed a set of official diagnostic symptoms and signs for separation anxiety disorder. In order for a client to be classify as a patient of this disorder, one must exhibit several symptom which are (a)Persistent and excessive worry about losing major attachment figures or about possible harm to them, such as illness, injury, disasters, or death. (b) Persistent and excessive worry about experiencing an untoward event (e.g., getting lost, being kidnapped, having an accident, becoming ill) that causes separation from a major attachment figure. (c) Persistent and excessive fear of or reluctance about being alone or without major attachment figures at home or in other settings. (d) Persistent reluctance or refusal to sleep away from home or to go to sleep without being near a major attachment figure. As for the client, her major attachment figure is her husband. She projects these symptoms while her husband is out or separated from her husband. Therefore, clien t is most probably experiencing separation anxiety disorder. Goal The Goal of this treatment is to improve the client security feelings towards her husband whereby the client separation anxiety disorder would be reduce and that she will be able to become functional again in her daily activity. Journal review A study was conducted by Zimmermann, Wittchen, Hofler, Pfister, Kessler and Lieb (2003) to find the relationship between primary anxiety disorder and the development of subsequent alcohol use disorder. This research is done using the cross-sectional method by using a baseline and 4 years follow up data from the EDSP-study, a prospective community survey of adolescents and young adults aged 14-24 years old. Total follow-up participants are 2548. In this research, DSM-IV anxiety disorder, alcohol use and alcohol use disorders were assessed with the Munich-Composite-International-Diagnostic-Interview (M-CIDI). The outcome of this research shows that anxiety disorder such as panic attack significantly predicts the persistence of combined abuse or dependence. However, since this research is carried out using a cross-sectional method, this research does not permit distinction between cause and effect. Another study was conducted by Sareen, Chartier, Paulus, Stein (2006)to investigate the relationship between anxiety disorder and illicit drug use. The researchers obtain and compare their data from two contemporaneous surveys which is the National Comorbidity Survey and the Ontario Health Survey-Mental Health Supplement. These surveys were design during the 1990s. From that data, the researchers came to a conclusion that all the anxiety disorder, except social phobia with fears limited to speaking situations was significantly associated to illicit drug use. However, the result of this research might be ineffective due to the surveys that the researchers used. Since the surveys are design during the 1990s, results of this research might not be accurate as the survey is antiquated. Another relevant study was conducted by Lipsitz, Martin, Mannuzza, Chapman, Liebowitz, Klein, Fyer (1994) to investigate the relationship between retrospectively reported childhood separation anxiety disorder and adult anxiety disorder. All the 252 outpatients in the anxiety disorder research clinic participated in this research whereby there are 104 men and 148 women and aged from 18 to 58. From this research, it is learnt that patients with retrospective reports of childhood separation anxiety disorder were positively associated with lifetime adult anxiety disorder. In other words, suggesting that childhood separation anxiety disorder could be the marker of lifetime vulnerability of multiple anxiety disorder. However, the outcome of this research is based on 252 participants. It is insufficient to cover the wide population in the society to provide a more accurate result. Another research was conducted by Iverach, O’Brian, Jones, Block, Lincoln, Harrison, Hewat, Menzies, Packman, Onslow (2009)to explore the prevalence of anxiety disorder among adults seeking speech therapy for stuttering. There were 92 adults who were eligible for this research out of the total 10641 participants. Out of the 92 adults, 72 are males and 22 are females whom aged from 18 to 73 years old. The outcome of this research shows that the prevalence of any anxiety disorder for adults seeking speech therapy for stuttering was significantly higher than matched controls. However, the outcome of this research is limited to 92 participants and the amount of males out ratio the females which might cause a biased results. By looking into the case of the client, the Cognitive Behavior Therapy would be the intervention model used as it will be the most appropriate and effective way of treating the client. Cognitive Behavior Therapy is known as the talk therapy, to help client to change their behavior and thinking patterns that would affect their emotional and physical health conditions among adults, young adults and children (Cherry, 2005). The diagnostic assessment that will be used is the Adult Separation Anxiety Questionnaire(ASA). This is a self-report questionnaire developed by Manicavasgar (2003). This questionnaire is to evaluate adulthood separation anxiety symptoms (from 18 years of age) and it includes 27 items. All the questions in this questionnaire is a 4 point Likert type questions where 0 indicates â€Å"this has never happened† and 3 indicates â€Å"this happens very often†. Besides the principal components, analysis reveled a coherent construct of adult separation anxiety with high internal consistency (Cronbachs ÃŽ ± = 0.95) and sound test-retest reliability (r = 0.86; P Treatment Planning Treatment will be held twice a week for the first month, and once a week for the following months with an hour per session in the counselling room. A total of six months course will be given to help client to improve from her current condition. In every treatment session, client is required to imagine of a moment with her husband no matter if it is positive or negative moment. Counsellor will need to observe and take note on what the client is trying to convey throughout the session, and try to discuss the problem with the client. At the end of the six months counselling session, if the client shows a positive effect of decreased in the level of separation anxiety, then the treatment proposed is effective and the following treatment will be continued with the current treatment that is used. On the other hand, if the client shows a negative effect, increasing or show no changes in the level of separation anxiety, after receiving the six months treatment, the treatment would then need to be stopped and alter to another way that suits the client. Another alternative treatment if the treatment fails is family therapy, where it includes the participation of the client’s husband and family members to support her (Ponton, 2014). By doing this, the client will feel the sense of secure provided by the family, and counsellor might also identify the contributing factor of the disorder in the client.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Descartes and the Existence of God Essay -- essays papers

Descartes and the Existence of God Once Descartes has realized that he can know with certainty that â€Å"I exist† is true, he continues to build on his foundation of truths. The truth about the nature of God, proof of God’s existence, and the nature of corporeal objects are considered, among others, after Descartes proves his existence. Descartes’ principal task in the Meditations was to devise a system that would bring him to the truth. He wanted to build a foundation from which all further philosophical inquiry could be built. It was essential that his beliefs were sound. If any one of them were at all in doubt, then it put the credibility of the whole structure of knowledge in jeopardy. I will discuss a few of the topics Descartes analyzes after his epiphany of existence. Throughout the essay, I will raise some doubts that I have pertaining to Descartes’ conclusions as well. In his second meditation, when Descartes pushes the method of doubt to its fullest extent, several truths survive; since these cannot be doubted Descartes must know them. The first of these is that â€Å"I exist.† The second truth, when Descartes asks â€Å"what am I?† caught my attention. I found it odd that he tests potential answers by asking whether he can doubt them. The test appears strange because one’s ability to doubt something doesn’t normally show that it is false. If I can doubt that I have the hairiest legs at West Virginia University, does it follow that I do not? It is later when Descartes rephrases his answer, and so his question, in terms of â€Å"what is inseparable from my nature,† that I realized that the question was special. When he proceeds to say â€Å"I am now admitting nothing except what is necessarily true,† I finally saw that the apparent... ...a cause, and since I am imperfect, the idea has to have been originated from a perfect source or God.† In Descartes’ Cosmological Proof of God, I understand that the cause of an idea must have as much formal reality as the objective reality of the idea. I also understand that the idea has infinite objective reality. However, I am not fully convinced that it is impossible for a mortal, finite person to take the idea of a finite being and continually think â€Å"upward,† forming the idea that there is a being that is supreme to themselves. Descartes’ epiphany of â€Å"I exist, I am† was the catalyst for the exploration of the issues he discusses in Meditations. Although I find problems in some instances of his reasoning, I realize that he has provided answers through his Method of Doubt that have endured the ages and allow us to continue to ponder their truth today.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Lies And Deceit :: essays research papers

False identities, lies and deceit, Lucentio from The Taming Of The Shrew and Tom from The Talented Mr. Ripley did all of these things. They both lied about what they like or what they did. They both took false identities to get the girl that they wanted to like them. Though they have many similarities comedies and dramas end very differently. The Talented Mr. Ripley is a drama and ends in tragedy, The Taming Of The Shrew is a comedy and ends with happiness.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lucentio and Tom both lied to get what they wanted from people who were supposed to be able to trust them. Lucentio lied about where he was from and that he was a schoolmaster there to teach Bianca. Tom lied about going to Princeton with Dickey Greenleaf, liking jazz, liking sailing and art. Tom’s lie wasn’t as bad as lucentio’s but he still wasn’t being honest about who he rally was. Lucentio’s more serious and harder to get out of. â€Å"Luc/Cam. I read that I profess, the art of love.†(IV, ii, 11).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both of the characters took false identities to get the girl that they liked. Lucentio said he was a schoolmaster named Cambio to be able to get close and get to know Bianca so she would fall in love with him. Lucentio worked with his friend Tranio getting more people involved in his lies and false identities. â€Å"Tra. You will be a schoolmaster / and undertake the teaching of the maid/† (I, I, 197 – 205). Tom told the girl he liked that his name was Dickey Greenleaf the son of a rich boat owner so the girl would think that he was rich and famous. This time Tom’s false identity was more serious because his ended in tragedy and deceit, Lucentio’s ended with him getting Bianca. A comedy ends differently than a drama in that a comedy everything is normal at the end order in the world is restored, but at the end of a drama tragedy occurs usually in murder but also with betrayal. The Talented Mr. Ripley ends with Tom’s lies being exposed, people getting killed and people being betrayed by Tom. In The Taming Of The Shrew the characters all get the girl or change the girl for the better but everything that happens is for the better.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Stress in Athletics Essay examples -- Sports Athletics Athletes Teams

Stress in Athletics In the Journal article by Mark H. Anshel, entitled Qualitative Validation of a Model For Coping With Acute Stress In Sports. Explains how stress affects athletes, and how they can go about to deal with the problem, or cope with the problem. The author breaks this down into four categories. First, they want to perceive a stimulus or experiencing an event, secondly, appraising that event as stressful, thirdly, using either approach or avoidance coping strategies each consisting of either cognitive or behavioral strategies, and finally enacting post-coping activity that consists of either remaining on task, reappraising the stressful situation, examining the effectiveness of the coping strategy, or disengaging from further sport participation. Stress itself is a widely studied characteristic; it is defined as an interaction between an individual and the surrounding environment. Most research on stress is just new, but has been a topic for the last 20 years. But most new studies on stress have to deal more with the coping process. â€Å"Coping is the person’s conscious attempt at reducing or managing the demands of a stressful event or expanding the person’s resources to deal with the event (Anshel, 2001).† Previous research by Gottlieb (1997) explained â€Å"how coping strategies related to acute forms of stress differ from chronic stress, and that many contexts of chronic stress do not end themselves to an event-centered strategy of measuring coping (pg...

Monday, September 16, 2019

Case: Siemens AG †Global Development Strategy Essay

Siemens is a huge 155 year old international $77 billion German based companionship operating from side to side 16 big business units by means of one of the world’s main infrastructure, electronic and engineering corporation and 1200 fully merges supplementaries in additional than 190 countries, which are sprint by 484,000 workers. All Siemens businesses are part of a medium organization that combines a central strategic compass reading with decentralized business and local responsibilities. As worldwide entrepreneurs, Siemens’ Operating Groups are independently accountable for their universal businesses. Each Group has its own Executive Management, which is accountable for organization Group commerce in accordance with corporation policies distinct by the Managing Board of Siemens AG. The Operating Groups decide how their resources will be second-hand. They develop their possess strategies, manage their possess assets and generate pay in their respective marketplace segments. Siemens: Vision, Strategy & Principles. According to the expert analysis a company likes siemens with so a group of people, production sites, products and associates all over the world – needs a solid base of lawful and ethical principles. Siemens: Corporate Principle†Siemens is a productive innovator and a strong actor in the global commerce stadium. The information, skills and dedication of our populace are crucial to our sustained achievement as a corporation.†Source: Siemens Corporate Responsibility Report 20021.We strengthen our CUSTOMERS – to keep them spirited. 2.We push INNOVATION – to form the prospect. 3.We enhance corporation VALUE – to open new opportunities. 4.We empower our PEOPLE – to achieve world-class performance. Our workers are the key to our success. We work jointly as a global network of knowledge and knowledge. Our corporate civilization is defined by variety, by open  conversation and mutual admiration, and by clear goals and important leadership. 5.We embrace business RESPONSIBILITY- to advance civilization. Although every Group of Siemens determines their possess strategies base on these principles. Siemens One is novel company-wide strategy to improve marketplace diffusion and drive enlargement in new fields by ornamental cooperation across the whole association. â€Å"Excellent Employees Guarantee Success†Siemens needs the most excellent and the brightest populace in order to attain outstanding business consequences. Siemens want to be the company of option for extremely capable applicants and offer them exceptional long-term possible by emphasising on staffing, training, sustained education, incentive and development opportunity by means of in the business. Key strategies. 1.Service Provision: To give staffing programmes responsiveness to the require of the department in some business unit of any collection of siemens and transports to the highest probable standards of superiority. 2.Employee as entrepreneur within the organisation. Employee is conscious of the overall objective. Agreed and loyal and responsible for the human being/group goal location. 3.Employee Orientation/ Developing employees and leaders: has a long tradition at siemens. It includes advanced preparation at all levels of association and Life-long knowledge. Systematic development of youthful high-potentials. 4.Diversity. Diverse teams transport them significant benefits. Teams are able of considering difficulty from dissimilar perspectives throughout the corporation. Diversity in siemens is on the foundation of age, gender,  civilization, faith and people. 5.Employment Oriented Policies. Cooperation in the siemens-one strategy is extremely well applied with the guidelines for HR distinct in the Corporate Citizenship account 2001. Best Practice/Harvard model of HRMSituational Factors:-1.Work Force CharacteristicsSiemens had 430000 employees(in 2004) universal. Employees World wide Worker QualificationThis research focused on this truth that the above diagrams demonstrate the Employees worldwide and worker requirement respectively in the year 2004. Siemens has in a job employees as of all over the globe and populace with different experience. The proportion of women workforce is 27% of total worldwide labor forceSiemens HR Planning Model uses â€Å"SYSTEMS† approach. The process of corresponding prospect organisational requirements with the provide of properly capable, committed and knowledgeable staff in the right put at the right occasion. These staff can be haggard from both the interior and outside labour markets. Recruitment & SelectionSiemens recruitment/selection procedure is based on a number of principles similar to the potential of the applicant has to be senior than the requirements of admission job, No cooperation in assortment and Professional Selection skills. Human Resource DevelopmentHuman resource growth is the main key achievement of the siemens association. Siemens is a knowledge and innovation base corporation so constant HRD is having to for siemens. Siemens has a put of strategy and principles for innovation, excellence, customer armed forces and compass reading and preparation. Siemens’ Distributed Organizational Structure And Offshore Project Development Strategy†¢Siemens exhausted more than Euros 500 million in economic year 2004. â€Å"Siemens- a worldwide network of novelty comprising more than 400000 people-offers ground-breaking crop, solutions and armed forces spanning the whole field of electronics and electrical manufacturing. Our success is based on a well-focused commerce collection, a truthfully global attendance and an international labor force of highly qualified and extremely aggravated managers and workers.† Source: Siemens annual account Reference

History & Tradition of Jazz Essay

Why is jazz hard to define? Describe some of the reasons why it is sometimes difficult to determine if a musical recording or a performance qualifies as jazz? There is no single definition however there are 5 basic guidelines that loosely define jazz when followed to one degree or another. Jazz is a form of individual artistic musical expression. Jazz is performed in so many different styles, is part of many other types of music, and play by various instruments. Musicians develop their own style and sound. Describe the relationship between the rules rhythm section instruments must adhere to and the freedoms they have to play what they want in fulfilling their role? The rhythm section usually consists of a bass, drums and piano or guitar. Their role is to support the soloist even if they are playing while the soloist is performing. While they have the freedom to play by improvising, they must do so in a manner supportive to the soloist. Describe how the roles of these three instruments change during the course of a song in a jazz performance: piano, trumpet, bass? The piano plays chords that accompany the melody of the song. The piano feeds the soloist with rhythmic or melodic ideas. The trumpet is versatile in that the various mutes give it different sounds. The trumpet leads the melody. The bass provides a steady beat playing the note that outlines the chord on every beat. Describe what happens during an improvised solo both in terms of the soloist and the other members of the group? The soloist is composing on the spot His solo is unrehearsed and he needs to be able to formulate the melodies in his head before he plays them. He also needs to listen to the input from the other instruments and follow their lead while improvising and interacting with the other musicians. The non-soloists can either stop playing or continue to play in a role supportive to the soloist following their lead and providing musical leads which the soloist can take off on a tangent with.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Space Exploration Advantages

For those who believe the costs of space exploration are greater than the benefits, George Delucas, an astronaut who flew on the 1992 Columbia mission, says, â€Å"There will always be people who would like to put an end to space travel, but I don’t think that is what our population wants or needs. Our county has always been about exploration and the pursuit of knowledge† (Delucas qtd. in Malick 3). This quote generalizes the attitude many Americans have toward the space program. When the Apollo 11 crew successfully landed on the moon, the crew and millions of Americans were filled with pride and a sense of accomplishment. What most citizens do not realize is how much knowledge and new technology the United States gained through Apollo 11 and the other space missions. Some of these citizens do not believe a vital need for the space program exists. To them, the space program is just a waste of money and human lives. The recent Columbia disaster that resulted in the loss of seven American lives only supports their argument. However, it is not possible way to measure the loss of life and money over the advances in knowledge, technology, and medicine. The only known fact is that the exploration of space has. Space exploration is a big part of American history and has been shrouded with controversy for years and years. Space exploration is defined as the investigation of physical conditions in space and on stars, planets, and their moons through the use of artificial satellites, space probes, and spacecraft with human crews (Whitehouse). From the space race with Russia to unmanned lunar probes, space exploration inspires and enlightens every person that comes in contact with it. One example of an inspiring event in space exploration was the Apollo project. The Apollo missions were quite possibly the most popular and publicized events in American history. The Apollo missions were often disastrous, successful, triumphant, and also neutral and routine. Throughout all the publicity and controversy space exploration will remain in American and world history forever and will continue to live in the heart of Man.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Contributions of Modern Society

The place of worship in the middle Ages was a place where anyone, regardless of the class, could belong. The source of unity, it accomplished influences on art and architecture. As time began to change from the antique system of the Romanesque period, new standards of understanding independence began to take hold; the birth of Gothic. Here, the Church became a place where people became more acceptable; becoming the adequate place to observed such new ideals. The unique Gothic architecture characterized most in the great cathedrals of the 12th thru 14th Centuries in St. Denis, Notre Dame, Chartres, Salisbury, Durham, Amiens, and more. Most Gothic structures emphasize the vertical, drawing one's eyes upward toward the heavens with the awesomeness of God. These cathedrals built with ascending peaks, pointed arches and strengthening giving influences of cooperation and radiance. One of the main achievements of the 12th and 13th centuries was to determine the engineering expertise of the ridged vault, pointed arch and help to give a famous cathedral that is at once sophisticated than the ones before. Even though, the pointed arch could prove more powerful than its former, there was still an issue of finding a way to improve the large masonry ceiling vaults over large spans. In order to maintain the outward thrust of barrel vaults, vertical foundation walls have to be unusually clear and powerful. What makes possible the extended use of ridged vaulting and pointed arches to open and revitalize the walls and extent of the cathedral link above the aisle roof that extends from the upper nave wall, where the first thrust of the central dome is the greatest. The result is to add structural strength and solidity to the building. In today’s society, we can use some of the most well known influences and values without realizing where it came from or where it began. I think that the influences from architecture, art, and even religion. The influences of the middle age building structures can be established on how it molded our world today. The influences of the mastery of the architectures have helped many of the buildings that we have today, everything from the past help contribute our lives in modern society. As I look around at several buildings I know that I don’t see the gargoyles but looking at some of the Catholic churches and some of the other buildings that are well structured. Muhammad, considered the dominant prophet and founder of Islam, born in 570 A. D. forced to get a job to take care of himself at an early age. He was a driver and married his boss at the age of 25, to Khadija, by which he had only four daughters. The right word Islam means â€Å"submission†. The meaning behind the word submission is to the will of Allah, the one and only true God according to the Muslim faith. To be considered a Muslim one would have to be submitting themselves. The basic theme of Islam is extremely easy and straightforward: There could not be any other God but Allah, and Muhammad is the first Prophet of Allah. According to the Koran Islam teaches that there is one God Allah, the creator of the universe. Muhammad would be the one who taught his new followers that this God, Allah, is compassionate and just. He taught them that because being the spokesperson for Allah, he would be held accountable. Allah calls all people to believe in Him and worship Him. On the Last Day, all the dead would resurrect and either be reward go to paradise or be punished and go to hell. In today’s society Islam is one of the most well practiced religions besides Christianity in the United States. The Islam faith has grown over the years with millions of members around the entire word. The Koran reveals how a Muslim is suppose to live their lives. The religion shaped our society because many of the citizens here in the United States respect the faith of Islam and even have several Mosques build in many states. Although, Islam has been one of the most feared and perhaps misunderstood religions, there are many who have learned more about this religion. Islam celebrates Ramadan each year where Muslims pay homage to their faith. Buddhism is a belief that has gained 300 million people around the world. The word comes from ‘budhi', to awaken. Its origins about 2,500 years ago when Siddhartha Gotama, known as the Buddha, was himself awakened (enlightened) at the age of 35. Buddhism goes beyond religion and is more of a philosophy or ‘way of life'. It is a philosophy because philosophy ‘means love of wisdom' and the Buddhist path can be summed up as: to lead a moral life, to be mindful and aware of thoughts and actions, and to develop wisdom and understanding. Siddhartha Gotama was born into a royal family in Lumbini, now located in Nepal, in 563 BC. At 29, he realized that wealth and luxury did not guarantee happiness, so he explored the different teachings religions and philosophies of the day, to find the key to human happiness. After six years of study and meditation he finally found ‘the middle path' and was enlightened. After enlightenment, the Buddha spent the rest of his life teaching the principles of Buddhism called the Dhamma, or Truth. Today Buddhism, help structure many lives by the disciplines, the Four Nobles Truth, and Karma, Recycle of Life. Buddhism explains a purpose to life, it explains apparent injustice and inequality around the world and it provides a code of practice or way of life that leads to true happiness. Life is suffering which includes pain, getting old, disease, and ultimately death. We also endure psychological suffering like loneliness frustration, fear, embarrassment, disappointment and anger. This is an irrefutable fact that cannot be denied. It is realistic rather than pessimistic because pessimism is expecting things to be bad. Instead, Buddhism explains how suffering can be avoided and how we can be truly happy.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Computer Science Information System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Computer Science Information System - Essay Example Solution: This system provides with user inputs to a large variety of questions to analyze their needs and future goals to get them the best they desire. Constant monitoring is a very important activity. Solution: They will be able to understand their system change requirements to cater better services to the members and win satisfaction and performance in the competitive market to give everyone the best service possible. Description: The primary system has the main process called the DSS system for fitness center. The users enquire the systems as for their requirements and get the answers relevant to their plans. The questions and answers are stored in a data store and the DSS system accesses it to retrieve the respective ones. The fitness experts do keep their info and the knowledge of the members with regard to their plans and performance. The databases include the 'general questions and answer', 'user info', 'fitness consultant info' and 'Company services list and eligibility criteria'. The main purpose of the DSS system to the management is to get the regular or periodic feedbacks about the system and also about the member's interests. It helps them in preparing an appropriate marketing strategy to bring in more customers and create a brand in the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Financial statements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financial statements - Essay Example report that measures the success of the company operations for a particular period of time and this is used by business and investment people to determine the profitability, investment value and creditworthiness etc (Keiso and Weygandt, 2007, p. 126). Income Statement summarizes revenues, gains, expenses and losses. Sales, fees, dividends and interest are parts of revenues, while expenses take forms of cost of goods sold, depreciation, interest, wages and salary etc. Gains and losses are different types like sale of plant assets or investments, settlement of liabilities etc. Expenses are debited and revenue are credited, and the total of these can be a net debit (loss) or net credit (profit). Income statement evaluates the past performance of the company and provides a basis for future prediction and assessing risk or uncertainty. The Balance Sheet presents the financial position of the business through the main elements that are called assets, liabilities and stockholders’ equity (Davies and Pain, 2002, p. 49). Assets include those that can provide future economic benefits as a result of past transaction (plant, machinery, vehicles and all) and liabilities include those that are probable future sacrifices of economic benefits arising from present obligations- loan, overdraft etc- (Keiso and Weygandt, 2007, p. 173). Assets are regarded to be debit balances and liabilities and stockholder’s equity are credit balances. Balance sheet is always in a balance and hence it can be summarized as: Neither balance sheet nor income statement show or directly analyze some of the key changes taken place in the financial position. They don’t show cash inflows and cash outflows that are in turn, highly important to know and assess the timing and uncertainty of cash flows. Cash-flow statement, instead, provides cash inflows and outflows and it calculates the net changes in the cash position of the business. It comprises of 1) operation activities which are cash effects of

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The US Sugar Policy - Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The US Sugar Policy - Case Study - Essay Example All capital markets are beginning to connect world wide, and this affects even those who are not globally connected. The larger economies will at some point influence those not globally invested as their performance begins to evolve and shape the global financial markets. There may be no other free-trade policy like the U.S. sugar program that illustrates such hypocrisy, and the need for reform. The United States has often prided itself as a world leader in terms of the free trade movement. The culture has always pushed for Globalization and the use of technology to integrate economies. However, there are some industries that remain well protected due to the strength of forceful interest groups and absence of pressure to reform. These protection barriers often hurt our domestic economy and counteract the efforts to promote more open markets and trade negotiations around the world. (Grombride, Mark) In this paper I will examine the flaws in the U.S. Sugar Policy and demonstrate how th ey affect domestic and international farmers. This essay will also demonstrate to show how globalization is reflected in the consumption, production and labor of the sugar industry. The U.S. Sugar policy operates under the Farm Bill, which was overwhelmingly passed in 2008 by Congress. The basic premise behind the sugar policy is that supply should equal demand. The U.S. Department of agriculture has imposed several tools in order to ensure that the sugar policy operates at a minimum cost to the taxpayers. These tools are that: first, they can limit foreign imports to those required in the trade agreement obligation with the exception of Mexico; second, they can control the amount of sugar the U.S. American farmers are allowed to sell; and third, the bill can divert any excess surplus of sugar into ethanol production. (American Sugar Alliance) These tools and policies such as the preferential loan agreements and tariff rate quotas, serve to effectively keep foreign sugar out of the U.S. In return this forces the price of sugar in our market to increase substantially. According to the World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates, the U.S. Production projection for sugar produced in April of 2011 was 7,950,000 short tons raw value and the import amount was 3,135,000 short tons raw value. The amount projected in export equaled just 225,000 short tons. In areas such as the Caribbean, sugar is one of their largest earning industries. However, during the past two decades, Caribbean agriculture has experienced a decline in their agricultural production. Once globalization occurred the countries in the Caribbean were greatly affected as the some of the most vulnerable producers. This was due to their limited physical size not allowing them to benefit from economies of scale. For them this translated into higher world prices for production of their main principal products. The Caribbean exported only 669,630 tones of sugar around 2000. (Ahmed, Belal) There are severa l factors that determine the international competitiveness of sugar production. Some of these factors include: tariffs and quotas, the availability of sugar as a natural resource, the cost of production, and international trade agreements. Tariffs and quotas affect the sugar market as American consumers and business are forced to purchase sugar at the U.S. average price vs. the world price. This is due to our low import of foreign sugar. Government enables have protected domestic sugar growers by placing trade restrictions

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Role of Information Security Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Role of Information Security Policy - Essay Example Regardless of all these, the essence for a security policy on information systems is unquestionable. These security policies and standards are of use to inform employees of firm their duties for protecting and safeguarding information systems of their organization. The policies state the mechanisms under which organizations can carry out these responsibilities. They also give an organization the baseline to get, configure and appraisal information systems for compliance with the policy in operation. The tools of information security system without its policy, it limits its usefulness. Policies and standards are essential in distributed computing location as a means of putting up security discipline for a big and different population of users that is reachable through formal auditing and communications. This strategy is of great importance when dealing with temporal personnel or those under contracts. Policies must show the accepted ways of an organization but also take full advantage of all methods for effecting behavior and spreading of information within a distributed computing location (James et al, 2012). Policies are of more importance in distributed computing locations than a centralized one due to the increased problems of restraining activities coming from a remote location. These policies must therefore be complete and stated clearly to minimize the number of instructions and explanations that the organization requires to handle so that they can be sure there is understanding. Here, they should have identifiers and description generally for business functions and units so that they can surpass changes of the organization (James et al, 2012). Employees play a major role in maintaining information system security. Their main role here is to study and have a close relationship with the IT section so that they can indulge when there is security incident. It is the responsibility of every employee to

Monday, September 9, 2019

Investment and Portfolio Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Investment and Portfolio Management - Assignment Example This research will begin with the statement that investment refers to the current commitment of dollars for a period of time so as to derive future payments that will compensate the investor for- The period for which the funds have been committed The expected rate of inflation during this period of time Compensation for the risk associated with the investment, i.e. the uncertainty of future payments The process of selection of investment categories requires analyzing, estimating and evaluating the expected risk return trade-off for the alternative investments available. Investment needs and Financial Plan differs from individual to individual, and changes with respect to the life cycle of the individual. After the investment decision is undertaken by the individual, the major function is to manage the investment portfolio evaluating the performance of the portfolio and updating the portfolio based on the changes in the economic environment and the investor’s needs. The investor has a sum of $100,000 to invest into financial products such as debt, equity, derivatives or cash according to his or her choice. The objective of the portfolio or the investment policy statement is to achieve long term growth of capital. In addition to that, the fund aims minimizing risk of capital loss through portfolio diversification. The portfolio will be monitored, analyzed and reported upon over the chosen time horizon. The return of the funds is evaluated relative to S&P 500 index.P 500 index. The strategy of the investor is to buy the stock and hold it for long term or at least three years, in expectation of long term capital appreciation. In order to mitigate the domestic gloom in the economy, few funds may be invested overseas in order to geographically diversify and earn benefits from emerging and developing markets. Proper diversification will help reduce the overall portfolio risk by spreading stock specific risk

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Professional Statement for Psychology Counseling BA degree Personal

Professional for Psychology Counseling BA degree - Personal Statement Example As an individual who has deep concerns for the miseries and issues faced by the fellow human beings, I have often regarded the career of a professional practitioner of psychological counseling as an effective way to render my service to the well being of the society and the people around me. Similarly, a reflective self appraisal of my strengths, weaknesses, and personal qualities also offers me the good reason for selecting a career in Psychology and Counseling. As an individual who has successfully completed Bible college graduation, I am most concerned about the psychological affairs of the people around. I also have great experience of working among people who need mental strength and support. Along with my regular preaching in various religious programs, I also conduct Bible studies for women at a rescue mission. The experience that I gathered from such activities, significantly, strengths and personal qualities as a person qualified for the career in Psychology and Counseling. I share great compassion with people who are in distress and miseries, and have a strong desire to help them accomplish their goals. I have often been excited to find positive changes in the lives of people around me through care, compassion and divine understanding. My Christian values and spirit of compassion and charity also have contributed to my decision to opt for this career and course. Therefore, a self appraisal of my strengths, weaknesses, personal qualities definitely confirm that my experiences and qualifications will contribute to my chosen field, which is Psychology and Counseling (BA) degree. The career of Psychology and Counseling has a great scope in the development of my personal life and achievement of my life-goals. As a person who has ever been interested in assisting people in need, the career of a professional practitioner of psychological counseling can help me realize my career goals, and I understand Psychology

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Restaurant Concept Project Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Restaurant Concept Project - Term Paper Example This restaurant project involves the purchase of an antique, 19th Century Hong Kong â€Å"junk† boat, and deconstructing the boat’s elements to become the decoration for a restaurant interior. The decor will follow a design developed by Robert D. Henry Architects in New York, but transform it so that the antique wood of the ship and the old carvings of the hull will be prominently displayed. These elements will be used throughout the restaurant interior, for example in the main bar area and the greeting lobby. The design is for an upscale Chinese restaurant in the downtown San Jose area, near to the HP Pavilion. The area includes many of the five-star hotels of San Jose, as well as being located near to San Jose State University. The combination of business, tourism, and retail shopping in the neighborhood is well established. The plan is targeting a second floor location on South First Street in San Jose, above an existing cafe-restaurant establishment. The Sailing Boa t restaurant will also have bar, lounge area, and dance floor so during the weekend it can set up like a club in order to attract more customers. Contemporary Hong Kong Junk in Traditional Style + Source: (Travel with a Challenge, 2011) Concept Development The traditional Hong Kong junk boat is known worldwide as a historical symbol of the city, yet it is a tradition that is rapidly being superseded by new technologies. The Sailing Boat restaurant is based on an upscale Chinese restaurant plan with a specialization in Hong Kong and fusion cuisine. The restaurant will involve the purchase of an antique Hong Kong junk boat and then deconstructing it into a series of panels that will be finished and restored to be used as the side panels in the restaurant. Similarly, the masts, sails, deck, and interior elements will be taken apart from the antique boat, restored, and used to build the bar, restaurant decorations, and main lobby / greeting area. The panels of the ship will be reconstru cted in the restaurant interior following a plan developed by Robert D. Henry Architects in New York, and will involve a renovation of the location as well as specialist crew for the ship preservation work. Restaurant Interior - Robert D. Henry Architects, New York (Interior Design News, 2011) The antique wood from the ships sides will be reformatted into panels approximately 10 to 12 feet square that will provide the covering for the walls behind the tables in the dining rooms, lounge, bar area, reception, and lobbies. Contemporary wood floor tiles will be used and the antique Hong Kong junk ship’s elements will be used in the corners, to build buffet elements, as the bar, and in the lounge are as a special theme. The antique Hong Kong junk ships typically had an elaborately carved set of railings, hull, and upper deck that will be perfect as the backdrop of a restaurant. By abstracting the ship elements into a modern restaurant design, the decor of The Sailing Boat

Friday, September 6, 2019

The end of the book Essay Example for Free

The end of the book Essay Mr and Mrs Birling are holding onto a pretence and are proud and do not want to be proven wrong. Unlike Sheila who has become humbled through this conversation in the evening.  After the family discover that the Inspector was a hoax, Sheila still does not believe he came to trick them; she thinks he came to teach the Birlings and Gerald a lesson about unselfishness and caring for others rather than themselves. She says that the facts are still the same, that the family were still very selfish and uncaring. Sheila is the character who has learnt the most. Her refusal to retake the engagement ring shows that she has matured at the end of the evening. She approaches Gerald in a different manner, as she now understands that she doesnt know Gerald properly, the way she should. She has to start all over again to get to know him. She realises that she and Gerald must be honest with each other if theres to be any relationship between them. She says, You and I arent the same people who sat down to dinner here. Wed have to start all over again, getting to know each other There could be many explanations for why Sheila Birling responding to the Inspectors and why her father Mr Birling did not. Sheila reacted very positively and understood the Inspector because the Inspector was asking at her lever; a level that she would understand.  Sheila is more of a sensitive character and is very vulnerable; someone can very easily make her change her views. Since she is still young, and she is not set in her ways, she has not yet created her own philosophies and ideas as her father has; she can be influenced by the opinions of other, especially as this Inspector had an imposing presence and also used very emotional tactics to convey his message.  As proven at the end of the play, the Inspector was in reality not an Inspector. The author leaves us in suspense as to who this may be.  I believe, Mr Goole could be a socialist who has been studying the case of Eva Smith for many years and now realizes all the trouble she has gone through, decides to teach the Birlings a lesson, as to show them how selfish they are. He could also be a prophetic character from the unreal world, like for example, an angel or a fairy come on behalf of the poor oppressed young Eva, again solely to teach the family a lesson.  Mr Goole could also be a friend or relative of Eva Smith who cares about Eva and is very upset and angry about how she has been treated, therefore comes to avenge her oppressors in some way.  He could be some sort of prophet or messenger come from God to avenge the poor girl and to teach the Birlings something important. He could be a polite Inspector from another district who came to work on the case.  J.B. Priestley is a sociologist and in the play, the Inspector expounds many socialist ideas about having a fair world, etc. Therefore, the Inspector is representing Mr Priestley as a sociologist to convey his message to viewers.  The Inspectors voice is also the authors voice; all the authors ideas and philosophies are portrayed as correct with the help of the Inspector and Mr Birling, who is a capitalist and proven wrong at the end of the book.