Monday, September 23, 2019

Society (Immigration) U.S Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Society (Immigration) U.S - Movie Review Example Avalon’s journey begins with a polish-Jewish family, laced up with strong family ties and attachment for almost every reason like love, respect, care and integrity. (Gustafson, 2004) Krachinsky’s clan moved to America and settled in Baltimore in 1914 with hopes and spirit to earn pleasure and harmony, wanted to experience the wonders of America and it limitless possibilities but unfortunately they faced unpleasant changes in their strong family network and no longer remained compassionate about their deep traditional roots. They multiplied into generations and got success in their financial statuses but faced some heartbreaking problems when their 2nd and 3rd generation moved away from family bounding and pursued for American ideology. Krachinsky brought along their fine cultural, traditional and religious values which were later eroded by the strong social forces and were replaced by the modernize American Culture. (Paul Haspel, 2008) The story revolves around three ma in changes that the family suffered through, firstly when the family started moving to suburbs, Secondly Levinson emphasized on the get together with the extended families on special days like thanksgiving or church days, was no longer practiced or enjoyed together on a long dinner table in fact, gradually shrunk to small tables after the arrival of television, Third and the main point was that the succeeding generation started replacing their family names. The youth was driven slowly and gradually into cultural assimilation where they forgot their roots and traditional practices and ran for the charisma that the American Society carries. The limelight of fast pace American life has always attracted people regardless of their beliefs. This is what impressed Sam when he first stepped in America and saw the biggest and brightest celebrations and he realized that he made the right decision. Later he was proven wrong when he experienced the harsh attitudes from his own son and his wife. Levinson has brilliantly pictured the generation gap with all its components like adaptation of new technological advancements, upgrading lifestyles by moving to suburbs and doing a white collar jobs, replacement of their own sir names and keeping American names. (Haspel, 2008) The detoriation of cultural heritage effected and poisoned Sam gradually and ultimately when he finally saw his grandson visiting him in old home. It is about all immigrants who face such issues like language difference, religious difference and on the whole color differences. Whatever the picture, media and Hollywood presents, the problems that immigrants from all around the world face remains there but they have no direct way to popularize it therefore the world accept the picture which is neatly painted by the American media that how immigrants have successfully accomplished in America, ignoring the fact that they have sacrificed their precious norms in terms of their moral, religious and cultural values to get this materialistic improvement in life. There is no doubt that American land is charismatic, full of glitz and glam but at the same time it heavily lacks family life and discipline of human life which can never lose its essence no matter how much we progress and achieve in our life. Levinson developed an awesome piece with a

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