Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ancient Egypts Effect on Modern Society Essay

The museum has always been a place for all different types of people from the public to go and appreciate art and feel reconnected with the past. People may go to the museum for these reasons or a variety of others. But for whatever reasons they choose to go to the museum it always has an influence on that person’s relationship between them and the history they viewed. Specifically speaking the museum has a big influence on the public and Ancient Egypt. The museum is already a place of history and mystery and Ancient Egypt is one of the most mysterious ancient cultures. With so little known about these ancient people it only makes sense that the museum would be a good place to strengthen that feeling of mystery. Ever since the modern discovery of Ancient Egypt the public have been fascinated by the mystery left behind by these ancient people. The modern public is always interested in learning about Egypt. Weather that be from books to movies or trips to the museum the general public uses a variety of methods to learn about the Ancient Egyptians culture. Stereotypically speaking when most people talk of Egypt they think of mummies. Most people one speaks to have generally the same depiction of what Egypt is in their heads. So a lot of times people don’t really know the truth about Ancient Egypt. And that is where the museum comes into play. The museum has always been found as a viable source of accurate information regarding history. So in today’s media rich society most people who are really curious about learning about Egypt would rather visit the museum rather than pick up a book on Egyptology and read it. The museum is a good place to start for people to go and observe visually what is left of Ancient Egypt. And these exhibits help to construct an idea of what this Ancient civilization was truly like compared to the entertainment industries depiction of it. This act of going to the museum to fulfill ones curiosity on the subject is just one way the museum helps strengthen the bond between the public and Ancient Egypt. Another way the museum helps strengthen the relationship between the public and Ancient Egypt is by giving them an escape from reality. Most people get fed up with the normal day in and day out of adult life and are always looking for something new exciting and mysterious. Ancient Egypt is something that is tantalizing for people to learn and talk about because so little is known and so much can be speculated. So the museum helps give this bored person a chance to view what is left of Ancient Egypt and to escape from their reality and escape to this mysterious world. This strengthens the relationship between Ancient Egypt and the public because people desire that mystery and they can get it by viewing the mystery of Ancient Egypt at the museum. One more way the museum strengthens this relationship is by adding more to the mystery. Meaning the museum shows the public a depiction of the past but no definitive answers, if anything I found you leave the Ancient Egyptian exhibit with more questions than answers. This quest for answers strengthens the relationship because the public is searching for an element of mystery and find it in Ancient Egypt, but every time they get more of a taste they get more unanswered questions. This causes more of a desire to learn and explore and it all begins with the museum giving just a taste of the mystery surrounding Ancient Egypt. Following this drive for knowledge on Ancient Egypt the museum also helps strengthen the physical relationship between the public and Ancient Egypt. Ancient antiquities are one of the most sought after items for just aesthetic position. People will go out of their way to bring back a piece of history with them that they can hold in their hands. Weather that be through artifact relics or souvenirs somebody is always trying to take a piece of history with them. They might be doing this for a variety of reasons. They may just want something interesting on a shelf to start a discussion where they can gloat about their recent trip to Egypt. Or they may want to have it because it makes them feel closer to the ancient times and the mystery of it all. But for whatever reason people always want to have some sort of item that relates them to the history or journey. The museum does this by providing them with a large varieties, the person who wants to fulfill that desire of owning a souvenir or relic, to choose from. You can buy almost anything Ancient Egypt related at the gift shop in a museum. From Lego pens to imitation artifacts, the museum is a great place to fill a need to buy a souvenir. Also what better time would it be to buy something Egyptian than right after viewing an exhibit of the real artifacts. So by being able to create a need for a physical relic and then fulfill it the museum is a perfect place to strengthen the bond between the public and Ancient Egypt. So the museum as it seams is a very powerful place when it comes to strengthening the bond between the public and Ancient Egypt. Weather the museum is providing just a simple craving of curiosity or to providing the perfect place to shop for a relic you can take home with you, it has been a great place to strengthen the bond between the public and Ancient Egypt. This place of mystery, knowledge and unanswered question will hopefully be around for a long time to fulfill the publics desire to know more and become closer with Ancient Egypt.

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