Sunday, May 24, 2020

Corruption and the Decline of Rome Essays - 2199 Words

Rome was the perfect setting to start an empire. Three seas to the West, South, and East as well as the Alps mountain range to the North guarding Rome. Rome was the ideal homeland for a small empire to expand to great lengths. Natural resources and trade routes also helped Rome’s economy expand to great heights. Industry such as metal working, agriculture, and trade drove the economy. The origins of Rome originate back when Romulus first brought his people to Italy after the burning of Troy. Romulus quickly built a wall around the city for protection, while he defeated his partner Remus for control of the city. Therefore, the city is named after Romulus (Rome). Rome quickly developed to great lengths with every defeat over†¦show more content†¦And how can we measure progress or itemize the causes of a civilizations decline? There are several theories that attempt to answer these questions about history. According to Walmank, early Christians believed that history follows the apocalyptic plan of â€Å"four world kingdoms† or â€Å"six world ages.† Another theory claims that history develops in cycles, one part follows the next stage, basically stating that history is a wheel in motion (Walbank 4). Originally introduced by Plato, many philosophers adapted this way of thinking during Rome’s height. They believed that they could predict the future of Rome and when Rome’s â€Å"cycle† was complete. Aristotle contradicted these beliefs when he said, the problem of decay in a society is that man is at the root of the problem (Walbank 5). Since man’s future is unpredictable, you can not limit history to certain cycles of repetitions because possibilities for the future are endless. Anything could happen at any time that could completely change history. For the first time it is possible to closely examine ancient civilizations. Historians can now see past the individual person to the life of a society as a whole. Using this new insight, we are able to study new paths that the literary forms did not present. We will continue to use the literary sources for personal details, but the new discoveries uncovered give the literary sources a new angle. Therefore, for the firstShow MoreRelatedThe Fall Of Rome s Collapse1199 Words   |  5 PagesEvan Reilly Professor Latham Western Civ 1 12 December 2015 The Fall of Rome For hundreds of years the empire of Rome and its citizens fought with neighboring territories and expanded their territory until they had created a vast empire which included much of modern day Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. 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