Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Passover Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Passover - Research Paper Example The words uttered by God show the essence of Passover, the Passover recipe and acts. The Israelites were commanded by Yahweh to consume roasted meat, along with bitter greens and unleavened bread with haste, sandals on their feet, their cloaks tucked into their belts, and staffs on their hands (Exodus 12: 8-13). According to Murray, the Passover was a celebration, to commemorate God’s mighty acts of salvation for his chosen people (p.4). The word Passover has consequently, the very same meaning with the Egyptian term for â€Å"spreading the wings over and protecting." The Passover feast outlined the sacrificial act that Jesus performed with his death, redeeming mankind. In reference to the Passover during the period of the Israelites, the theme of redemption is clearly shown in our everyday life when faced with trying moments. As a young man, Moses fled Egypt in disgrace under a death penalty for killing an Egyptian. When God summoned him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, he had been away from Egypt’s culture and sophistication for forty years. Moses was to go back to Egypt and confront the successor to the Pharaoh with the words: â€Å"let my people go" (Exodus 5:1-5). To save His people from Egypt, God chose a man who was, in many mannerisms, similar an Egyptian. Moses was born an Israelite, but he grew up adulthood in the house of Pharaoh’s daughter. His Hebrew mother raised him; however, he was tutored worldly wisdom from Egyptian teachers. He was chosen by God to deliver Israelites to show all people that the Lord makes a distinction between Egyptians and Israelites (Exodus 11-7). Moses heeded Yahweh’s command and went to Egypt to plea for the release of the Jews. Pharaoh completely refused to let the Israelites go, the Lord showed his might by bringing down judgment on Egypt’s false gods. Via Moses, he turned water into blood, showing the Egyptians that he was greater than the Nile that the

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