Friday, October 18, 2019

The Mexican American War (Polk's War) Research Paper

The Mexican American War (Polk's War) - Research Paper Example They also had an ambitious desire on the Mexican lands in the West and this brought conflicts which later led to the eruption of the Mexican-American war. This war was very important to the United States for land expansion; they wanted to expand their territories by acquiring huge masses of land from Mexicans. Many people lost their lives during this war. It is estimated that, around 30,000 lives were lost during the conflicts.1 The Mexican-American war was a very short war but it left behind long lasting effects that are always remembered up to date. Causes of the Mexican-American war The Mexican-American war had several causes, some major and others minor, here are some of them: The Annexation of Texas The major cause of the Mexican-American war was the annexation of Texas. The root of the conflicts that led to the eruption of the Mexican-American war is traced back to the time Texas got its independence. The outcome of the revolution was the annexation of Texas into the United Sta tes. Primarily, Mexico had promised to wage war against the U.S. if they were to manage annexing Texas and when Texas broke up from Mexico, they stopped regarding it as an independent city but as a corrupted city2. Mexicans had believed that the annexation of Texas called for war. ... The Westward movement of the U.S. citizens to the Mexican territory The United States citizens were relentlessly searching for land for farming and also to sell to the incoming farmers. Through their search, they found that Texas had easily accessible and available land for farming and so they started moving into the lands. Mexicans made an effort to stop them; nevertheless, they still moved into Texas and started to undermine the Texans and Mexican government’s authority. They farther went ahead to disobey the set Mexican laws and regulations especially the anti slavery laws. Due to these misbehaviors, the Mexican law makers and officials started disapproving the U.S. citizens and this led to the escalation of the Mexican-American war. The Ideal Manifest Destiny This was an American ideal whereby the United States was to extend its territories from coast to coast as one huge nation. Through the ideal manifest destiny, many U.S. citizens were able to advance as citizens into t he west of the Mexican territory. They travelled across Mexico searching for economic gain that is why they infested the Mexican’s lands. This can be seen where the United States forcefully desired to acquire California to serve as an economic base for them and in order to establish markets. This led to the Mexican-American war because the Mexicans did not want to let go off California and wanted to fight against their invasion into their lands. Actions of the presidents in office at that time The presidents in office during the time of the tension between the Mexicans and the Americans provoked the war. Their motions highly contributed to the war. For example, President

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