Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Essential Husserl Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Essential Husserl - Essay Example Husserl in his work refers to the theory of species as being weak in one way or the other. The raised objections over the theory is concerned more about the context of the system that is very sensitive. Therefore, an indexical experience that relies on the content has to serve minor role of a secondary propositional duty. Thus, it may end up determining the object, which may be referred to earlier. According to Husserl, for two experiences that are indexical, they have to have one object in mind because the moments of issue for such a case can lead to the same matter that is ideal. Husserl differentiates between the words and their general meanings while on the other hand the respective meaning of that word (Welton 163). This theory does not actually help to differentiate between the two types of meanings. That is, if perfect matters are intentional contents and remains constant, then, propositional content will differ. He further feels that indexical experiences are at times singula r because they are involved in representing one object at a time or it may be a group of objects. For instance, a subject experienced at any given moment as in the real world as being special in all represented worlds that are possible. Thus, the potential or actual experiences can be attributed or subjected to the experiencing subjects. This is what Husserl refers to as intentional horizon that has an anticipated content. According to Husserl, all experiences that are encompassed in horizon have a common bond of identity in time course. He refers to this as label X and it applies to objects with similar subjects. The determinable X is an indexical experience that seeks to find out the earlier reference for the mentioned experience. This should not be the species ideal meaning alone. In order to come up with the dynamic theory, then we have to find out the intentional acts that are components of cognitive structures. In this state, the same object is represented through changing tim e. In his research, he refers to mental files as individual notions, which are open. We can therefore refer to Husserl as an early theorist and non-naive on intentional content (Welton 166). He further discusses the ‘epoche’ phenomenon. His theory on the content seems to coincide with the phenomenon of epoche. The theory of epoche was developed to radicalize constrains that are present in logical investigation. This has to carry out from the first person’s point of view. This is to have the experiences that the subject is exposed to and the intended results. The advantage of doing the experiment in the first person context is that no difference arises between non-veridical and veridical cases. Therefore, one cannot be a victim and at the same time become be in a position to detect any error that is perceived in his or her actions. Thus, it is from this point that Husserl derived phenomenological ideas that explains detailed existence of objects in the universe. I n summary, epoche demands that we focus on the represented objects. Husserl comes up with two different types of epoch; the universal and local (Welton 167). Husserl focused on local epoche using perceptual experiences as the foundation of one’s experience. In order to describe an experience in details, one has to be a participant in the experiment. That is performing an experiment from the first person point of view. In perceptual experi

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